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%1$ Comments324

    Im starting to think Carlsen's success isn't just a fluke

    Dude your forehead is so massive…🤣🤣

    Bruh levon wasn't even in any tournament last year and this year suddenly he shows he's goated at freestyle chess

    How the fuck is no one going to comment on that thumbnail??? That shit is insane

    I think the Ding situation/play proves Magnus’s point. Remembering lines given by an engine and a load of time doesn’t mean you’re the best. I get why he opted out.

    Brother, you need to take care of yourself better. Don't force yourself to push out videos in this condition just cause the tournament ended. We can wait. Get well soon! ❤️‍🩹

    Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I hope you get well soon. Thanks, as always, for the chess updates and great content.

    Been saying this for a long time someone has to stop this man ..only Naka has a chance


    Thank god this freestyle shit is over…

    Get several “probiotic” pills, they will cure your stomach.

    Bone dry plain Cheerios in small amounts. Best way to get through food poisoning once you're able to hold anything down. Skip the ginger ale.

    Levy!! I finally hit 1000 today and just wanted to say thank you for all your content, I really enjoy watching your videos

    Even while being Gotham’ed, Food Poison never fails to use Thumbnail in the magnus

    I love to see you with a buzz cut to check that hair line

    Can bro pls stop spoiling the results of the game in the title and thumbnail

    and he sacrifices HIS HEALTH !! !! !!

    Food poisoning? More like 20 bottles of beer, dancing until 5am in his underwear and then realising he's turned the camera on for work…….we've all been there 😉

    Nice roundup in the face of adversity 👌

    magnus looks like he has the shadow of satan in the thumbnail

    Can you imagine being as great a player as Caruana and getting beat like this. Unbelievable

    I get that the goat shadow is meant to reference that magnus is the GOAT but I can't help but laugh at the accidental satanic imagery associated with a goat

    Awesome Thanks Levy ! Fischer random can lead to unreal endgames ! Get well soon brother, get some nice lemonade with lemons and limes !

    Great thumbnail. All hail our dark lord from the abyss, Magnoose!

    For a moment I forgot about the whole goat thing and wondered why you insinuated Magnus was Satan or smth

    Thumbnail makes magnus look like satan lol

    Thank you levy for posting despite your food poisoning

    Very happy that you covered the Ding is lost in 10 moves tournament even though you weren't feeling well at the end ❤

    Carlsen making a tournament and then winning it reminds me of the obama meme

    Levy never to put Magnus on a thumb nail

    Okay I give up. Why do people think it is impossible for a super GM or even an ordinary IM to memorize openings for 960 possible starting positions, if the monetary prize for winning such games is high enough?

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