HE WON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments236

    Idk if Nepo is just brilliant when it comes to Candidates or his opponents just seem to always take risk against him. Vidit playing Rb3 only to get his rook trapped here. Rapport not taking draw in the last Candidates by playing f3 instead of repeating move with Qg6+ Kh1 Qe4+ Kh1 and ended up losing the game.

    Nepomniatchi when it comes yo candidates: 😲
    Nepo when its world championship match: 🤡🤡🤡

    1. When Berlin endgame becomes a draw, Gothamchess: it’s Berlin endgame, what do you expect.
    2. Berlin endgame when one side won, Gothamchess: Berlin endgame has always been a high level battleground for GMs with a lot of nuanced, undeveloped ideas

    Ian fr the 2nd best chess player in the world

    omg nepo interview some sensational stuff

    12:58 unbelievable names. unbelievable how quick and correctly you can say them

    Didn't Nijat miss the oportunity to fork king & bishop on around move 7?

    IAN nepomniachthi will become world champion

    Levy –
    He lose it
    He did it
    He won it
    He f#*k@d up agai !!!;!;!;!:!:! N

    Nepo really wants the world title against Ding .. he lost 2 time just because he rush when he has to think and to spend more time ! He lost against Carlson by stupid blunder then he did it again with Ding ! Wish him luck ahead

    I started watching your videos about a month or 2 ago when I was a mid 400 rating now I am a 849 rating in rapid I can honestly say thanks to you and your Vienna game, I'm on my way to the 1000s my best game according to stockfish I played at a 1450 rating … Can't wait til I get there!

    Levy never fails to notice a move was never played in the entire history of chess.

    Rook A4 To stack n control A file after taking the pawn. I need my money Levy 😪

    Stop wasting time covering the womens: no one cares

    did he sais that europians dont drive cars ,……

    Is there something that is free where I can analyze my games and see which opening I played and advice etc.? I'm a begginer

    Full credit to Nepo for his ability to perform at the Candidates, but I don't want to see him win again man… give me something new.

    i hope the indians keep hikaru guessing. its nice to watch.

    The best of this round was peter Leko talking about the "evil" and "evolution" bar

    Still waiting for the interviews😅❤

    Vidit bhai k to chuttad mar liye bhai 😂😂…yar mera fav player ..bhai jeetna yar ab ..kalue se bhi har gye .😢

    Autobahn without speed limit is something Americans dream about.

    I think I saw a rook in prison like Vidit's in a game of Stockfish vs Leela. My man Ian is turning into an engine to get a third shot at the championship. I hope he gets it this time!

    The girls played the coolest chess so far now the one in black that played the jbird tower knight bird hidden system in the tower did not know how to play this what the computer would say questions or inaccuracy now for white in a jbird tower learning how to play off of the first three rows and yes and i mean yeahhhhhh white one move here one there one move up one move over one back playing in the balance of my theory,playing off the three rows that black did not understand,thanks for this game and right mow so far this one is the coolest❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

    Levy never fails to implicitly admit that FIDE is trying to tell you what a woman is… In a game where queens come from pawns.

    19:23 wasn't there an evans gambit last round in one of the women's mathces?

    Nepo the GOAT of candidates, always the bridesmaid 😅

    Nepo is such a great player, I dont know why people hate him or he does not get the attention he deserves😢

    Game 2 clearly black in the opening lost in about 10 moves if one of my standing openings are played, I seen and played this position with my opening and the game was only 8 moves and he resigns and the 3400 plus analysis said one blunder one miss win just in 8 moves with my opening❤😊

    I wish an Indian or fabi win candidate. Ian can't challenge ding.

    And fabi will win this he will beat nepo both rounds

    Nepo has played the worst competition so far so chill with Nepo winning

    Леви, спасибо за очередной обзор, да ждём интервью с Яном!

    only if magnus was playing in this tournament, whole tournament's series would have his face on thumbnail

    The prag naka game is why….
    1-classical chess is dead
    2-Magnus will never play for classical world title again

    Completely unethical game play. Deliberately playing for draws is a cowards way of playing

    They are choking the life out of the game

    Naka stick to rapid and blitz the only real chess

    Love your videos. Would love to see updated standings

    I will delete this comment in an hour

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