HE WON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments236

    All of. You cant stop saying the same shit even if your life depending on it. Omg click bait
    I liked my own comment
    I reported my own comment
    The stare
    Levy/ Gotham never Fails.

    Time to think of something all by yourselves and stop stealing others comments. Playing them out 600 times a video

    Ian is slowly becoming my favorite chess player in this tournament, his playstyle is so interesting.

    Sometimes people feel the pressure of being the favourite and that is what is happening to Hikaru, I believe. I hope he will be able to clear his mind and to play his best chess. On the other side, Nepo is really impressive in the candidates, he has crazy preparation and he is always able to create problems to his opponents.

    Bro you need to chill out on coke, your nose is not holding up.

    Now I'm pretty sure that Nepo is going to win.

    We have motorways. We also build the best cars in the world. You know, the ones that can go round corners. Check yourself chess boy 😉

    Abasov‘s playing so boring chess man.. no point in watching his games

    Who else skipped the intro because they were like, 'yeah yeah I know it's the candidates and round robin just get to the games will you'

    Europeans do drive on highway, I'm from France, where I live there must be something like 5 different highways nearby., and I live in a very small town. It depends on the country. In a country like France where tourism is a big part of the economy it's simply more convenient. However in France you need to pay to use highways, I don't know about other countries for that point.

    Europeans dont drive so much? Have you never heard from Germany? relation: Imagine you wanna get as drunk as possible as fast. Highway=light Beer; Autobahn=Vodka

    Stop Nepo and my man Pragg , dude just chill

    Please give time spans for the open section matches

    They always sleep on Ian .
    Nepo has done it before and will do it again.

    Man, the courses are damn expensive 😮

    @G-chess-channel i liked my own comment and YOU can't do anything about it

    With all due respect, everytime levy says Humpy it just makes me think of humpty dumpty

    ian at the candidates is the greatest chess player of all time

    23:13 we don't claim him, he could've played for Italy if he wanted to

    There’s no way bro really said 33% off like we don’t know what that number means, we know your jewish kabaala tactics

    "Europeans don't drive that much"
    Angry German noises

    Levy dropped a Hikaru and Fabiano interview video and both of them are doing worse than expected in the candidates. Nepo will probably start loosing after Levy's Nepo interview video drops. 😅

    I wish I was smart enough to understand these moves…😶

    Bro just put normal titles we will click ITSG

    I reported my own comment for sexual harrasment

    Stop shoving the women games in the middle

    didn't know chess could be so tense
    i was shaking as levy was breaking down neo vs vidit

    12:20 I’m listening to the endgame lecture with undivided attention. Its good thing that few realize the instructive value of your content.
    I think I’ll rewind. I want to look at that king manoeuvre again.
    When you do recaps you suddenly pause once in a while and start explaining and that’s when I go “ok, good stuff is coming!” You know, a lot of New Yorkers were paying you for that!
    Keep them coming!
    25:08 is 4.d4 such a horrible idea here? Why no one plays it?

    Nepo is the KING of Candidates.
    He’ll win this tournament

    Bro I got my first brilliant move how do I send you the game

    You dont need to cover the woman-games. Rather use more time on the real candidates

    The fact that Ian was always firsts, after 32 games on candidates tournament, with the best players in the world in that moment is actually insane. Hope he'll get the chance for rematch against Ding, I believe he deserved it.

    I'm rooting for Hikaru to win this tournament but from the standings right now, it's more likely for Nepo to win (although I really believe Nepo deserved the world chess champion title more than Ding in the previous year)

    please help i am confused…! didnt all the players had 1hr 30 mins before and now 2 hrs?

    Yes, in Europe we ride horses to get to places

    Ian is something else in candidates, man played 2 candidates and won both…

    Am I the only one who doesn't care about the women games

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