Hikaru accused of cheating AGAIN????

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%1$ Comments396

    Someone in that thread posted some random multiplications in matlab? LOL

    Content idea: For those of us unfamiliar with Kramnik, tell the story of how he became world champion

    Did he break new ground? Did he popularize a particular opening? Who did he beat? What strategies did he employ? Analyze the best game or two from his world championship match

    I understand you may not want to reward the guy for this nonsense, but I’m curious now

    If we're going to keep giving this guy attention, then perhaps we should throw his own logic back in his face.

    "So, just to be very clear, I am not accusing Kramnik of being a complete douchebag idiot this time. However, the behavior being displayed is consistent with that of a complete douchebag idiot, and I think that's interesting. Nobody should be above being investigated for being a complete douchebag idiot, so I am requesting this be looked into, but I am not accusing Kramnik of being a conplete douchebag idiot."

    See how that works? This is the most basic psychology ever, and it is a very old trick to create an association and plant the ideas in someone's head while seeming to deny doing so. If Kramnik somehow legitimately does not understand that this is what he is doing here (he does understand that), then he not only fails basic statistics but also psych 101.

    levi, install the return dislikes button extension so you can show the dislikes.

    One time me and the boys won 34 S&D games in a row on Modern Warfare 2019

    keramnik still ban from WC ? he is sus him self in his career !

    he got the right idea on the wrong line..of thinking lol.

    I love the idea that Hikaru played at an estimated elo of infinity for winning games against people like 500 points lower than him.

    It's not so smart to pin hate comments. It'll just encourage more haters to write more comments, while giving them the attention they were searching for.

    every time i hear the word "optics", my allergies act up

    I would belive montecarlo simulation mich more then in Kramnik math

    I’ve been playing 4D chess by losing so much no one would ever guess I’ve cheated.

    It was fun watching levy on 1.5x speed playing kramnik on 1.5x

    I doubt that this is all Kramnik’s ignorance. The man is using Hikaru’s name to gain some relevance again. Shame!

    Did he just change the title of the video 3 times?

    hahahah, i speed up your videos too … to 1.5x, and i am not english after all. than you speak normal. why all youtubers speak too slow?

    Wouldn't his overall accuracy be more of a tell as to if he was cheating?

    Concerning time usage…
    That is already factored in with elo and thus not a factor that we can use to give further proof. Hikaru winning on time gives him just as much elo as does winning by checkmate or forfeit.
    Different strategies on the chessboard (like unusual openings and so on) are all factored in already when he's winning, drawing or losing by the nature of the rating system.
    But on a serious note: How about we DO check Hikaru and we DO check Kramnik and pitch them against each other in an analysis? That way Kramnik might learn that Hikaru didn't cheat and that practice in online chess helps a lot to get good at it (with that I do not mean chess quality, but speed of spotting tactics in 2d instead of 3d, speed of moving, accuracy of the mouse and so on.)
    I think Kramnik just can't fathom how Hikaru can be that quick and accurate, but he's probably never seen him do puzzle rush xD

    Here is my theory. Hikaru is not only a very good chess player, but he is also able to execute his moves as quick as he thinks. Both are rare qualities. In my opinion, this is the reason why he is so hard to beat. Hikaru himself also spoke about the psychological aspect. When you're facing Hikaru with only a few seconds left on your clock, there are higher chances that you end up blundering something. On the other hand, Hikaru is so used to playing with extreme time pressure that he doesn't feel any stress, so he can focus more on the game than on his clock. And finally there is another factor: like Magnus, Hikaru has a wide knowledge of weird openings that would lead to defeats in classical games but help him to win in blitz games because his opponents burn their time while they're trying to find the refutation.

    In conclusion I would definitely agree that such a series of wins would be "interesting" for classical or even rapid games, but in blitz, there are so many other factors that are not related to the strength at chess that it seems much more likely to happen.

    Kramnik's longest streak without losing in classical chess against primarily super GMs -82, interesting…

    Investigating statistics and accusing cheating are two completely different things and you completely disregard that immediately after having said it. I'm all for hearing about how we can make the game better at high levels, but not for immediately disregarding a direct statement like that. The man is pointing to an outlier and asking a question, not pointing to a name and making the statement "he has cheated, look at this data"

    My 200 elo games are more exciting than this video

    can you do a chess match with you vs stockfish

    Todays Video is brought to you by the youtube sponsor block extension.

    Now , The only thing lower than kramnik's lost self respect and credibility is his self proclaimed data analytics skills about chess ratings itself … Lol

    Kramnik: Okay math people, prove me wrong
    Math people: Here's why you're wrong
    Kramnik: I reject your reality and substitute my own

    More actual chess vids please, who cares about cheating accusation scandals, we need more Guess the ELO and chess matches between GM's etc. 👍

    Hans and Hikaru sitting in a tree, bouncing up and down on their vibrating beads. LMAO MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM VLADAMIR KRAMNIK. 🤣🤣🤣

    Just got my first brilliant move with a rook sacrifice. Never felt more like a Gotham subscriber before

    Gotham is raking in some good views during this cheating period

    Hikaru's car is just faster. Of course he's going to win 99% of the races.

    kramnik just got skill issue he mad cause hikaru better

    It was interesting that you objected to the term gentlemen. I've always wondered why chess competitions are sexed. Seeing that there's no question of physical inequality why is chess still sexed?

    kramnik is coming across as a bit of an idiot

    Classic "I'm just asking questions," routine from Kramnik. Fortunately, we've all seen this enough in other contexts in the last several years that I don't think anybody is fooled.

    Kramnik really tried to deny that he is accusing Hikaru of cheating. Online chess ratings are inflated. In reality hikaru is crushing people 200-400 elo less then him. Also wtf is infinite elo? Bro is the least reliable. Then Kramnik decides to ignore every post by data scientist because he doesn't want to admit hikaru a top 2 chess player in the world right now and that he is falling off.

    Also, Magnus prob had streaks like this.

    Hikaru, a 2800 FIDE elo super-GM beating CMs, NMs FMs and IMs almost every time?
    – Kramnik

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