Hikaru Beats 3100 Elo WITHOUT A ROOK
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Magnus haven't been milked in a while,,
that is very disrespectful by andrew tang i think…
690 elo today, the race to GM is on Gotham!
guys tell him the difference between AI and stockfish. Its not the same thing
Not exaggerating, it’s because of agadmator that I knew some of the masters of the past, great games, setting my passion for chess again. But you are a fucking awesome person to comment in a nowadays game, made me know better Carlsen and Hikaru, their games, and you fucking made a 2 minute game (less than it) be so cool and rich in a 20+ minutes video. Congrats man, you deserve your large public, and more in the future!!!
Random unhinged question I know but do you do anything special to your beard?
It's majestic and I'm envious
Deez knights
I saw that mate like way back when he refused tp take the rook, but would i have spotted it in a bullet. Never
i would have never navigated this game as well as hikaru has BUT i am proud i have seen all his rook moves before levi showed them
its not much but its something and i didnt pause either
No real Penguins were harmed In making this video.
Me, a 2000, predicted the entire ending with Nxd4 and Bxh7 allowing access to a5 for the queen. I saw the rook sac on a1 coming from a mile away if the queen ever got access to the a-file, and I just so happened to think that white might be sloppy enough to allow blacks knight to move, and then forgetting that the bishop has to defend a5. This is how you swindle in chess, and you always have to be sentient of these small opportunities that might happen if the conditions are right. There was a large enough incentive for white to move the bishop somewhere for it to join the attack, that they forgot what hidden tactic it was actually preventing. Always be cognizant of your attacking ideas in chess, even if they aren’t possible to carry out immediately.
All those thoughts happened in less that 2 minutes
1:40 this is not called cheesing. This is called getting lefong'd
is there a video somewhere of hikarus live reaction to this?
What a disgusting way to end the game. I saw the tactic starting at around 18:35. In essence, Black makes White forcibly choke on the "free" rook if they don't immediately accept it.
I'm really proud of myself for noticing M3 the instant he played Bh7 as an 1150 player. I do way too many puzzles
I've foreseen that checkmate pattern gonna happen because of b3 pawn and white rook in c1
After this match andrew broke his laptop and was never found again😮😮😮😢😢
If you ignore the bishop and not capture it, then black has can sacrifice THE ROOK again on a1. That leads to a forced mate. Let me know if I am wrong
Which bullet brawl was this? Need to see hikaru’s live reaction
The fascinating thing about chess is that you can make a 20 minute video about a 4 hour long game, and you can also make a 20 minute video about a 1 minute long game.
just report pinguin account
Why are you talking with Hans Niemann inflections? 😂
Not even 1300s in a 30-minute game won't play that good
“It stops the white knight from coming out” 5:26 didn’t know Hikaru was homophobic
This is not the 1st time he got cheesed. No way.
Andrew Tate vs Hikaru Nakamura
That’s Insane
I predicted THE ROOK sacrifice!
Bullet chess is technically chess. Bullet 1-0 and Blitz 3-0 are by far the best modes of chess. 3-0 should be standard imo it's so entertaining and fierce without a single boring moment because time is a real factor.
Hikaru eats cheese!
As a genuine piece of constructive criticism, it would make the vidoes more exciting if you didn't tell us who wins in the title. It would be great to feel the excitement like it's happening live!
That was just insane from hikaru, last second clutch 🗣️
The absolute, most mind-boggling thing about this video for me is that I saw EVERY SINGLE CORRECT MOVE for Hikaru's side before Levy revealed them… Guys, I'm rated 900 on a GOOD day…
yeah, I think I'm doing okay 😅
16:38 is beautiful
Can you do a video on the center game opening Please
Kramnik will not be pleased.
Tyler1 hit 1700 Elo today , will you make a new vid for this historic moment?
Hikaru just playing a gambit line
Just got a question, is hikaru the best defensive player in the world? 😂
Bh6 is so pathetic and disrespectful to the game honestly i am so glad andrew lost
This penguin guy is pathetic if he's going to trick hikaru with a bs premove
My favorite part was when Hikaru said “it’s stockfishing time” and then stockfished all over the place
Hikaru is the human version of Stockfish
Levy, can you keep video length to around 23 mins pls? You're fun but still I fall asleep by 27-28th minute.
Where is kramnik ? Anyone so kramnik ? We need kramnik here !!
Why does penguin not sac the bishop on f6 in the beginning?