Hikaru has completely lost his mind

GM Aman Hambleton gives his opinion on the latest chess controversy, which happened during the 2024 Chess.com Bullet Championships.

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%1$ Comments44

    You'd think that someone who has been around for so many years would handle losses with dignity, but no. All the experience counts against Nakamura, because he's stuck in his way of behaviour, you don't change for the better as you age.

    8:30 that makes you a bad commentator no matter who you say it for

    maybe he is starting to realize, that he will have NOTHING other than some tilted tuesday in his life ever again?!, / but only if Magnus is not playing, 'cause even if 1 – completely drunk, 2 – from a phone, 3 – one-handed, 4 – blindfold, 5 – under the water, and 6 – when he is berserking every game, MAGNUS is still going to win it /, and pikaru only will have 2nd place … :-), – or simply he wants to show us that he can be also, like Fischer …. ?!, – ohm, I mean, not so good, but so crazy !, – Aman, and don't worry about him, you're amazing !

    The chessbrahs channel is the reason a lot of people started watching online chess.

    Forget this hikaru clown, he's faking the streamer nice guy personality.

    Has he apologised yet for his rude and disrespectful behaviour in the world bullet championship match?

    Man is a grown baby, complaining about Alireza… but as a good sportsman, you couldn't possibly expect Alireza to play 4 matches in a row with 5 min breaks.

    There is a clip on youtube from 3 months ago where he called everyone who stalled at 1400, massichists who should Quit chess.. look up his comments on tyler1s progress. His elitist attitude is redicolus.

    Just imagine what happens when he becomes as old as Kramnik? 😂😂

    Wait for him to sue you for this video claiming he "created" the content for this video lmao

    Hikaru is always like that, when he lose, he blame everyone, when he wins he has done a good job, he has to accept that he is not the best

    its simple. hikaru is better than everyone else except magnus. people want to watch the best. so people watch hikaru. chessbrahs are weak. i myself have a 2-0 record vs eric hansen for example. so chessbrahs think by using his name they can get views.

    as for the recent bullet chess championship. meh. hikaru beats alireza all day long. but even people you beat, will sometimes have a good day on your bad day. hikaru is goated in bullet and there's nothing you can do about it kiddies.

    Making coffee and watching a little chess b4 I go to work. (It’s 5am) Makes me happy I work outdoors in the highways instead of staying home having to make a living doing this hikaru mouse clicketty bs.

    I got into chess at the end of 2020, and I was blown away by Hikaru as a phenomenon. An elite player who streams regularly and is eloquent, Hikaru is a joy to watch for a chess fan. But then I slowly find out more things about him, his tweet about being the one who has to stop Magnus, insulting John Bartholomew, cursing other GMs, fighting Eric, etc. I give Hikaru the benefit of the doubt, and keep on following him. And then the incident with you guys, and he also tried to cause beef with Fabi and Christian when reacting to their podcast, promoting a crypto gambling site, and now this. Time and time again, Hikaru provides plenty of examples of him being immature, vain, and manipulative. I hope that people remember these things.

    would be cool to see the next video with the title of his own favourite quote. "Hikaru can f%%% yourself" 😁

    famous platform steals 20 sec from Kramnik in a winning position. Lag every second game. And all these Hikaru's bots are ok with that. They are surprised why Kramnik is getting mad. Alireza takes just a 17 min break and Hikaru crying like a baby lol This is all you need to know about Hikaru and his fans.

    Hikaru > chessbrah
    I hate subscribing to channels but this upload forced me to go and subscribe to Hikaru's YouTube Channel.

    Trash channel mad cause Hikaru is successful. Bitter ass

    Enjoing your commentary, keep up the good work Aman!

    Hikaru is probably the most annoying human being

    please keep making content abt Hikaru to keep this channel alive

    In the meantime… Magnus with pop corn

    You gotta remember that bullet as a format is incredibly tilting.
    Nerves got him.

    I'm saying this as a fan of Hikaru, although I do love this channel too.

    I've never really seen the brahs ever become biased in their comments during the tournaments. And I've always wondered that, besides the obvious fact that they need to be professionals because this is a job for them. But they can always just try to avoid the exact time that the hosts/commentators will be interviewing Hikaru. Never really forgotten all the recent dramas between the two parties, so I tend to regularly think about said issues whenever I see them (the brahs and Hikaru) on the same screen.

    I agree with Aman on this one, they've never shown bias because it felt like they are always really amazed by how Hikaru plays when he's performing excellently, and are equally critical when Hikaru messes up.

    He was tilted… Things happen when people are tilted

    Everyone knows Hikaru is a certified @ss

    Hikaru is right….alireza plays dirty tactics…he should denied that 20 minutes break…abd you guys are jealous of hikaru

    This explained a lot to me…I’ve started watching lots of chess in the last six months and mostly I find the main streamers informative and enjoyable. For some reason I just can’t stand Hikaru – it’s like he’s always trying to be nice but he’s not really. He’s a false personality and will eventually be exposed

    Alireza crushed Hikaru so hard that he cried out in insult!!!

    Hikaru fanboys still defending his behaviour.

    dlm dropping one of the hardest trolls I've seen in years; I'm in tears

    Hikaru appears to be taking lessons from Kramnik.

    Naka has always been the biggest prck in the game until Hans came around

    The person who is said to be Magnus Carlsen's "rival" but is only a rival in online chess. Hilarious 😂

    hikaru is such a child. love the work you guys do. keep it up please people love you. Hikaru's content is also self indulgent, arrogant and painful to watch. (he also talks silly) much love to the brahs. x

    hikaru is such a child. love the work you guys do. keep it up please people love you. Hikaru's content is also self indulgent, arrogant and painful to watch. (he also talks silly) much love to the brahs. x

    I loved the Hikaru Brah costume for Halloween this year. Might have to make it an every year thing

    I loved the Hikaru Brah costume for Halloween this year. Might have to make it an every year thing

    The Bullet Chess commentary was more than fair. I heard nothing but professionalism and enthusiasm for the games. Hikaru certainly has his own platform to spin things any way he wants.

    The Bullet Chess commentary was more than fair. I heard nothing but professionalism and enthusiasm for the games. Hikaru certainly has his own platform to spin things any way he wants.

    The person who is said to be Magnus Carlsen's "rival" but is only a rival in online chess. Hilarious 😂

    Sorry chessbrah, but Hikaru exposed you. He knows you and Eric feel like he took everything from you. But news flash Chessbrah, the world belongs to the strong, and NOBODY is stronger than the Sensei himself, GM Hikaru Nakamura. You are on the wrong side of history. You and your minions wont be able to bully Hikaru and the Hikaruites any longer. Next year, when Hikaru enters his prime, he will return and crush stinky-reza fart-rouzja. It will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes. Stay salty chessbrah, your tears only fuel the indominable samurai spirit HAHAHA L

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