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%1$ Comments232

    i would preorder it, even i don't really play chess regulary and also i am from EU. Wish you all the success, Mr. Rozman.

    @GothamChess when does the how to win at chess book signed copy officially get released

    Hikaru didn't play a bongcloud instead he hit a bongcloud before the matches

    Hikaru is easily the Goat of non-openings. The funniest part is that Hikaru streams all of these games and thinks out loud for every single decision he makes. He says things like “king e2, classic bongcloud, great move”.

    I mean, the guy literally farmed his Smurf account to 3000+ elo by just playing bongcloud. Saying that he is a master in “bad” chess is an understatement.

    0:01 Gotham trash talking at the beginning of the video and after that we see Hikaru's game that is considered special for being played in a diffrent opening other than e4

    i wouldn't put it past Hikaru to play some pretty strange first moves in classical chess.

    Throwing a potato down the field, a horse chases after it. 😂

    The lack of animation on the pieces was so off putting

    “Money doesn’t buy happiness” – Rich People
    “Openings don’t Matter” – Hikaru Nakamura

    Simple at hikarus level he can play ANY opening. Cuz when time comes low time and endgame he crushing anyone below top 10 in the world

    I like around 14:45 levy makes up a fake argument that no one made and then talks about how the argument makes no sense… lol talk about boxing with shadows

    Hilary should had played EGG and / or COW 😂

    Hikaru said "Not if I eat the Mona Lisa" and just went for it

    I think this was hikaru’s gift to help promote Levy’s book

    anyone feel a little dizzy by the pieces for today's video? it felt like they moved faster than usual and it was weird. maybe this is just me tho

    Tune in tomorrow to find out how chess will fundamentally change the world.. again.

    Grunefeld is better than nimzo indian imo. What do you think

    this is literally a thumbnail hikaru would make

    Love the British accent. That was hilarious.

    I’ve watched a gothamchess video for every meal I’ve eaten for like 6 months… thought I’d start commenting to make my boy a lil more money

    Levy is actually a previous opponent to the Potato in an April Titled Tuesday according to the database😂

    Bro using 300 elo openings at the highest level of chess and winning

    The way Hikaru plays he needs Levy's book. 🧐

    Imagine being an Olympic runner in the 100m, watching as your opponent saws his leg off before the race and still beats you. That's what I imagine this is like

    Bullet and Blitz is playing Chess by Intuition. Hikaru spends his days practicing dubious positions, this is home territory. GM opponent is threatened with the end of opening theory, a chess position he has never practiced before and little time on the clock to properly think things through for the first time.

    with the potato variation and the egg opening, Levy should make a video about food related openings lol

    That was hilarious I can't belive hikaru did that he is truly one of the best chess players in the worldLOL

    Everytime Levy says "Everything right" my brain was like "And they indicted me"

    There is a quote that applies here "When you know the rules you can break the rules." Clearly Hikaru knows how to break the rules and still win. Magnus is another person that can do this. It is fun to watch. I know I will never reach that level and few ever do. Very impressive to see him do this. You should watch this and enjoy because you won't see this type of thing very often.

    in a 90-minute chess game, Hikaru would never do this.

    Today, I played the potato variation and won with 21 points of material advantage. This is the only thing I am able to learn from GothamChess, thank you.

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