Hikaru Pranks Magnus Carlsen
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Can anyone believe they played a blitz game during classical? I did not pull the trigger in downtown Dallas on November 22, 1963 at 12:30 pm.
Not decent
Classical chess should be dead anyway. Players are too good and the vast majority seem to end in a draw.
Egomura loves to play like a 1200 whenever he plays over the board. He is pathetic
Im only 5 minutes into the video and ive already spent more time watching levy than magnus or hikaru spent playing classical chess
Bro got so excited, bro started raping.
recently the board sounds in this channel are so annoyingly high, it is throwing me off the actual games
the hell did sf ever do to you mate
Levy please play super Martin With only 2 pawns
20:31 why in this position pawn g5 is not better than removing the knight?
did he just say "what do you get when you add an e to fear ? — fire"
I still really want to see Magnus and Hikaru in playing in classical chess neck to neck. #moreofMAGNUSHIKARUmatch
Did you move?
Great, another day of milking Magnus.
I saw no pin yet and got excited but I can't bring myself to write anything mean
Ooh, new setup? Cool.
Are those new glasses Levy? Looking good
32 Why don't you count it in seconds ?
Watching Levy’s longest, most intense stare ever. Then realized my video was buffering… 😂
Bro, anyone else notice that his room has switched? Which is the correct one?
"You add a E to Fear, what do you get? Fire!" – Some magician named Levi
I know I kinda sound like a hater right now but like this is the 4th video in 2 days on Magnus its a little too much
So sad that no one talk about the brutal Alireza game
Bro active Dammm
3:50 for a 4 hour classical game it was kinda disappointing
Gotham, nice ass
But who’s the worlds new 3rd?
Levy I think you misunderstood why your “intro was long” it was because it was improperly time stamped on the last video
Good Job GothamChess! You just earned +10 dapper points!
Hikaru is like an anime protagonist at this point trying his best beating his rival which is Magnus-san
Btw that was the softest Rook line of Levy
Is he okay?
Day 7 of asking GothamChess to use music in his videos
make the intro longer its not long enough
Shin of pame
That alireza match was disgustiiing :0
Levy you add a ton of value, knowledge, and entertainment to chess, Thanks for doing what you do keep up the great work God blesss homie
Aryan Tari gets bullied at Norway Chess every year. At least he's a good sport about it.
Nah new space looks kinda iffy. Old one goated
Chess do be like that though.
Fire fire games
“2 most popular chest players in the world by far” 3:56 frank be like 😮
Magnus and hikaru drew this match
the stare today was so juicy i thought my wifi was buggin and the video was still loading
I just want to point out that when 2 players know the first 20 moves of most openings….they don't need 2 hours of play time….10 minutes is still almost too much!
Nxf2 such a great move played by Alireza, well done, honestly im proud I was born in the same country as him
Levy, I trust you with a 20 minute intro. You know where to put the good w.
I wonder if there's a way to give draw % of different moves, that can be quite a reason to choose a suboptimal move as the bishop trade just makes it a step closer.
El clásico