Hikaru vs Alireza, Finals Bullet Chess Championship

The Streamer vs The Fashion Designer in Bullet Chess Championship Winner’s Final


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#gmhikaru #chess #

%1$ Comments171

    hikaru turns into a chess god when streaming 😂

    There was one thing I executed better than Alireza today.

    Flagging 😂

    Hikaru was getting behind in the openings because he was choosing lines that are fast to play. But in the endgames he converted

    Hikaru needs to stop critizing he is in the 99% of top chess players

    Could Magnus or Aliroujka stream while playing a world championship match? It’s crazy

    I think midway hikaru realized that he should play easier openings an that helps alot

    You have to appreciate that Hikaru is streaming and playing at the same time. That is incredibly hard to do and to keep focused. Even if you're not speaking at the time, you are still keeping in mind that people are viewing (which affects you) and also having to host the stream. This is high level stuff.

    this was intense. the first 15 minutes alireza was running away with it. then the next 15 minutes hikaru caught up. then he was the one taking over. crazy how it was completely level after 38 minutes. most impressive thing is how alireza got huge advantages in the early game so many times but hikaru still managed to take the w in the end

    thank you GM Hikaru, you make me jump up and down…lol great match.

    King safety seems not to high on Nana's agenda in this match.

    might not be young anymore but i can still flag…nice one Hikaru

    This level of chess is insane, feels like inhuman, congrats Hikaru

    Hard to watch. So fast my pea brain can't keep up.

    I wish he plays Magnus in the final. Beating Magnus, Danya and alireza is an incredible achievement

    Please do not use God's name in vain. I appreciate your videos.

    This is next level of hikaro
    Even carlsen does nothing against him

    Hikaru has been flagging people in drawn positions since before they were born. It's in his blood.
    It's bullet, so not judging. He is an amazing streamer and a decent player too!

    You didn't deserve this win. Alireza was better than you Mr flagger. I wish these games were played on lichess not this terrible lagging site

    Hikaru is like the final boss of bullet chess

    Where is their score? how to know who is leading in wins?

    Alternative title: He Found The Rhythm In Time.

    Hikaru is like wine. With age he is getting better and better

    Atleast Hikaru will forever be the undefeated champion of excuses

    "Not finding the flow", "I'm thinking too much" are but euphemisms for Alireza is playing better.

    Hate to see people comment that Naka "just needs to play the way he normally does". He can't because he normally does not play against Alireza.

    1:03 "Take a second. Breathe." Wonderful seeing a pro focus instead of panic.

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