How A Fake Human Scammed The World For 100 Years

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%1$ Comments366

    Pemchodya time sirr post krdya kr video, dupehar kr dina

    I love your storytelling chess Levy. Keep it up

    Amazon's mechanical turk is accidentally very well named, because its purpose is to obfuscate the human labour that goes into supposed AI 'progress'

    Fun fact: Because of this "robot", in the German language the expression "something is turked (getürkt)" still exists today for something that is faked.

    Kempelen Farkas was the original name of the dude, one of the last polyhistor. He was Hungarian and he also made the first real talking machine, they even recreated it in the Hungarian academy of science tenish years ago.

    I thought elecro magnets were not invented until 1820, and they needed a lot of curent to make them magnets?

    People saying electricity was invented…

    Imagine future chess players (hundreds of years in the future) saying “back then they didn’t really know how to play chess back then”

    Thank you Levy for the red circle in your thumbnail! I really had a difficult finding the AI in it as I was too distracted by your beautiful eyes.

    So, this Chess robot scammed the world for centuries? Then it passes the Turing Test for Intelligence, whether Artificial or not!

    Napoleon vs the Turk, Turk plays an Italian Game: 2 knights defense against Napoleon Attack. Legend has it that Napoleon moved his queen like a horse 🐎

    Please make Torch bot fight with Mitten bot 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    me imagining myself with my 1800elo , being the only person who can beat turk back then.

    I never knew that OJs lawyer played chess back in his prime.

    I read a Donald Duck story about this device

    “AI stands for Artificial Intelligence”
    “nah, AI stands for Allen Iverson, no question asked”

    It's more a very fancy way to play anonymously than cheating

    Only Legends Know That The Title Is Changed 😏

    I suppose why they loved pushing their pawns Into the centre so much in the 1600 / 1700s is because chess represented a battlefield on a board, and the pawns were like foot soldiers on the front lines? So like in a real army (of the day) these will be at the forefront of a battle, it sort of resembles battles formations of strategies games I played based in the 1700s

    Edit: and so maybe it seemed logical to pre-computer analytic type thinking culture that if these structures work so effectively on the battlefield, then so too they must on the chess board,

    I um- Gotham lmao the Turk wasn’t AI it was run by a GM at the time look up Thoughty2 he actually went into detail on it😭😭

    Electricity wasn’t invented or do you think there were no lightning strikes before the 19th century?

    In about 300 years people will find out that Stockfish is actually Magnus Carlssen hiding inside a computer as well

    I love how Levy just casually roasts Napolean lmao

    This man made a video about two of the most boring things ever (chess and history) and made it interesting

    If a photon decided to take a detour through a black hole's event horizon and then engage in a game of quantum chess with an electron, what would be the photon's next move?

    When I saw the title and thumbnail I alredy knew that the Turk was was fake and was played by a human. But still it is very cool that Levy made a video about it.

    Fun fact: The word robot was not existed at that time. It was first used to denote a fictional humanoid in 1920 by Czech painter and writer Josef Čapek.

    It would be nice to do items from time to time about Grandmasters of the past and how they played. From Morphy to Capablanca.

    Guys pretend i said something really cool and relatable

    Well technically it's not cheating in chess, but using bigger brains instead

    An American spent $120,000 building his own version of Kempelen's machine over a five-year period from 1984. He used the original board which had survived and replaced the person inside by an actual chess computer.

    Apparently Philidor, who was considered the best player in the world back then, also beat it. But not too sure there is a record of the game

    21:00 according to Wikipedia, this is just a drawing of a guess someone had, and the person actually sat on the other side behind the gears

    This queen to f3 scholars mate is also known as napoleon variation

    Its his opening, he has all the rights to play it

    OMG, when I learned chess as a 7 year old the teacher taught us scholar's mate and told us that the name of this mate is Napoleon' plan! The years went and I learned that it is actually called scholar's mate and thaught that the teacher just made the name up.
    Thank you Gotham for this video❤

    In todays world players cheat by putting robot inside a butt, back then robots cheated by putting players inside theirs butt. …. Same, same, but different, but still same

    Levy commentating on games that were played hundreds of years ago as if they were played yesterday, loved the energy and coverage as always 💖💖

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