How Bad Is 1,000 Chess Elo?
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more of this content please… you are helpful for lot of us specially for us low rated playes…
the first time i hit 1000 elo i won against a guy who was begging me to draw in a winning position because he was piss drunk and it "wasn't fair" that I beat him and that I would never be 1000 elo even if i beat him. Currently around 1100 lol
My Elo shifts drastically depending on whether I drink and play.
I finally got to 700 and feel like god
Best sponsor ever!
Sometimes I can’t believe how bad I was at 1000 elo lol. Happy to say that after watching your content, I now sit comfortably at 600!
mouse slip 🤣
I love 1000 Chess Elo
As a 400 1000 is a calamity for me
Why are these player’s playing worse than the 600’s I’ve been playing?
I think what people need to realize is that just cause you got to the next 100 mark does not mean that you should stop playing to keep it, if your skill level is around then you should average around there even if you dip below a few times if you play enough games. As a result of playing more games you get better, that's exactly how you hit the next 100.
Did he forget to put in the sponsor?
please do these every 200-300 elo for the remainder
I was 1600 and taught children chess basics as a teen. Now I'm in my 30s and trying to remember stuff after 15 years of not playing. Back to 1300. Feels mediocre man.
I feel like 1000 is average elo.
Hi Gotham. i am a proud owner of the E4 and middlegames masterclass course, and your courses helped me DRAMASTICALLY. i went from a 1200 to a 1780 in only 4 months! thanks.
As a 600, 1000 feel unobtainable
I would love you to continue this series!!!
I'm 1000 rapid and I'm trash so pretty bad honestly.
I got to 1000 elo in my history class after getting handed back a test I failed. Best memory of my life.
I love this guy
Rapid 1000 players are insaneee imo..
is 1400 good for a 12 year old?
Omg I just hit 1000 elo rapid today🎉👏👏👏👏👏
seeing a video with the title how bad is 1000 chess elo feels weird as a honorary gm in 700 ELO
As a 1000 blitz and 1200 rapid player, I know there's a big difference between 1000 rapid and blitz. Pretty sure 1000 blitz player will trash the rapid player 99% of the time
As an 1000 elo-er I know I'm bad I'm always blundering, get statements, or just not even know my next plan😂 I also hate how much I blunder mates in one I miss from my opponents I atleast lose one game a day from ts
I’m around 1000 rapid, but I can’t break 700 in blitz. It seems that blitz players are stronger than rapid these days
Just made it to 1000 and dropped back to 910 a couple days later 😭
~1040 was my first elo after placement, now im 1900 rapid, just think guys, losing on time with 0 blunders is better than blundering games, be more efficient and just iterate through possible lines instead of blankly seeing the board while thinking, once i got the insight to think longer and think more efficiently i got from 1000 to 1500 in like 2 weeks
I watched 20 seconds and won 3 games thanks levy
I like that the first 1000 player didnt play around with him
1000 in blitz is like 1300 in rapid
I am 900 level and these guys are masters
Nah bro
That was sus
That first game is a prime example of how mean game review could be. You play an objectively great game and get many mistakes and a low accuracy score😢
As much as I enjoy this, I would love a video of you just playing regular chess at your level
If the first game is not an outlier on Adacort's part, the account being only a few months old makes sense if (s)he's only 1000. Even with the missed hanging Bishop.
1000 rapid is completely different than 1000 blitz
14:32 he knows me so we'll
Started playing in march and started at 400 elo ,lost so much I got to 150 then learned and got to 1000 in may👍 hard but great journey
Do you realize that 1000 in blits is equivalent to around 1300 1400 in rapid, and that's why the first one was so much stronger? Because i'm pretty sure you do and just prettending not to…
This was a fair representation of 1000s. Blitz is all I really play and some of the 1ks are really good and so.e are terrible. I feel like 1000 is the crossroads of gaining elo players and dropping elo players
16:41 😀
W vid!!!
1000 Blitz is much higher than 1000 rapid, about 300 points
1000 ELO rapid and 1000 ELO blitz is a big difference lol
Here I was excited about finally reaching 1000, and I see this video title today 🤬
Levy plays like a 2000, then when the opponent blunders, plays like a 100 to average out 1k. "But im a 1000, i dont see that." 90% of the times he says that misrepresents what a 1000 sees or does. Source: im a 1000