How Bobby Fischer PUNISHES Bg4 Pins?

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🔹 How Kasparov PUNISHES Bg4 Pins? –

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Perhaps in every other game that you play, your opponents might try to pin your knight with their bishop by playing Bg4 or Bg5, which is their attempt to start an attack against you. And most players defend passively by placing their bishop behind their knight (Be2 or Be7) in order to unpin it. However, there are better ways to deal with such pins on your knights.

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov teaches you how to deal with pins on your knights aggressively. You will learn to brutally punish this pin by looking at the games of Bobby Fischer, one of the most brutal and aggressive chess players. In fact, very seldom did Fischer defend passively with moves like Be2 or Be7.

So, how to punish your opponents for pinning your knight? What are the aggressive ways to counterattack your opponent? Watch this video lesson and learn!

► Chapters

00:00 How to handle Bg5/Bg4 pin on your knight?
00:10 Passively defending with your bishop Be7/Be2 
00:24 How Bobby Fischer Destroys Pins on Knights?
01:13 1) Countering the pin with h3
02:26 Preventing potential Nd4 threat
03:22 Aggressively punishing unsound attacks
06:30 Constantly playing aggressive moves
07:49 2) Dealing with the pin TACTICALLY
10:15 3) Exploiting the bishop’s absence on the other side
11:24 4) Targeting the weak squares (of the bishop’s color)
12:15 Quiz: How do you deal with this pin?

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%1$ Comments117

    A fence is the best defense? Is that the motto?

    How do I handle this particular situation ( my answer is not easy to correct unless your opponent makes mistakes )

    I clicked the link for the master class, but was turned off by the timer. Do you need that high pressure sales tactic? No thanks.

    Привет, тёзка! Спасибо, очень интересный разбор, вообще Фишер круто играл, жаль сошёл с ума, но это частый удел гениев

    The sound of your voice in this video is a bit annoying. It is different from other videos.

    I imagine you have 1. Nxe5 in mind? White has a forced checkmate after 1. … Bxd1 and will win material after dxe5. But what if black plays 1. … Qh4? White's knight will have to retreat and will be traded off, demolishing the pawn structure.

    Bobby Fischer's aggressive style gives me anxiety, lol

    I like the ideia to ignore the oponent's errors, but I am not Fisher, so I don't think I can punish these pins….

    You are great am very grateful for your videos and in detail explanationa

    The best thing about Fisher is his take on women 😂😂

    You've probably figured this out already, but your audio is slightly out of sync, which is distracting.

    After white plays Nxe5, how do I handle black playing Qg5? I do not see how white is not losing a piece.

    I like your channel. Thank you for being a pro by analyzing lots of games before the video – giving us something that's 'well-cooked', that's very appreciated. I wish you health and prosperity.

    So that's why he made the goddamn rook move first, what a madman. He's a genius.

    Igor Thank you. I have been out of playing chess for years. Think you may have inspired me to start again. 😎👍

    in the case of game 2 where that pawn is still being attacked and threatening a early and bad trade of queens would bishop c to e3 be a bad move?

    Как же мужик мучает речевой аппарат. Аж ком в горле

    Annoying enunciation and haphazard idea sequences

    First of all, saying that Italy and Germany makes bad cars is like saying the AK-47 is worse than the Krummlauf, second of all, U forgot China, third, Bugatti is NOT FROM FRANCE!!!

    Nice,,,explanation ,,👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    Man, That was Nasty! …. Fischer downright bitch slapped Igor Smirnov …. You don't do that to a GM. so rude.

    I wonder how stockfish 15 would handle pins

    Bobby's manager: you can't just shoot people in leg everytime they place that trick, jeez chill off , go to Iceland.

    What would you say to a person that’s like a 1200 rated player that regularly plays just like fishers first example and I also always look for the redirecting aggression? I do not think passively or defensively if I can force my opponent into a defensive position in response.

    I ask because I felt weird hearing you explain that “us mere mortals” want to do what I never want and instead related to fisher.

    Thank you for giving Bobby the respect he deserves

    2 questions: First, at 3:22, I'm not even seeing any other options other than pushing the pawn to attack the bishop, is that the only move that works? Second, at 8:43, why doesn't black just take the knight and after queen recaptures they take the d4 pawn with their queen? Only other option is doubling pawns, is either scenario still fine for white?

    Igor Smirnov is my favorite Ukrainian. Hugs ISH

    Why is your face in the video with all of my friends in it?

    Nxe5 is certainly the best move in the puzzle but white is by no means 'winning'

    "Take out a gun and shoot him in the leg" lmao that was not expected

    if you could stick to the title and show us how he did it with out all the he could have done this or tat this would have been
    a much better video.

    Nxe5 if pawn captures then queen captures the bishop and we win and extra pawn But, if he plays Bxd1 then Bxf7 Ke7 and then Nd5#

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