How fast can you find the checkmate? #shorts #chess #chessbaseindia

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    Just sac the rook and black has to take it with the rook and b7# is finished

    When the kid moved King to h6 , black should have captured the rook, if white captured back it was a steal mate (ends up in draw !!)

    Thought he was inmate for a sec ๐Ÿ˜‚

    If you see a kid in your tournament never go back again ๐Ÿ˜‚


    Ive played him when i was 11 now im 12 we drew that time

    I met him in a tournament in kalyan. He is an adorable and a wonderful kid and a great talent. He will go places. My blessings and good wishes to him

    I would love to ask the kid would he rather play chess or ride around with his friends?

    opponent could have played RA7 for a stalemate

    Kid was like don't wanna humiliate you shake my hand bro .

    Even I know this kid.
    His name is Stephen and I think he's around 4-5 years.
    I've met him in many tournaments in Tamil Nadu.

    Instead of playing g7, White had a quicker and more beautiful checkmate. It was to play Rf8 when the opponent played Rg8. Forces black to play Rxf8 and then g7#.

    Hey i saw this boy in a chess tournament

    Funny thing is the position is a draw after Kh6 if black plays Ra6

    He is a Chad Sigma as he wants to checkmate with queen. Lol๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

    Run if u see a kid playing chess โ˜ ๏ธ

    Smw position was played between pragnaanandhaa vs ganguly at 13 yes age of pragg

    Why he looks dumb and smart at the same time?

    Nada como la inocencia de un niรฑo

    if he cut the opponent's roor he also won the game but it also a great idea to won๐ŸŽ‰

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