When the kid moved King to h6 , black should have captured the rook, if white captured back it was a steal mate (ends up in draw !!) Reply
I met him in a tournament in kalyan. He is an adorable and a wonderful kid and a great talent. He will go places. My blessings and good wishes to him Reply
Even I know this kid. His name is Stephen and I think he's around 4-5 years. I've met him in many tournaments in Tamil Nadu. Reply
Instead of playing g7, White had a quicker and more beautiful checkmate. It was to play Rf8 when the opponent played Rg8. Forces black to play Rxf8 and then g7#. Reply
Rf8 was mate in 2
Just sac the rook and black has to take it with the rook and b7# is finished
When the kid moved King to h6 , black should have captured the rook, if white captured back it was a steal mate (ends up in draw !!)
Thought he was inmate for a sec 😂
If you see a kid in your tournament never go back again 😂
Ive played him when i was 11 now im 12 we drew that time
I met him in a tournament in kalyan. He is an adorable and a wonderful kid and a great talent. He will go places. My blessings and good wishes to him
I would love to ask the kid would he rather play chess or ride around with his friends?
opponent could have played RA7 for a stalemate
R:f8 after black moves is Rook
0.3 seconds
At 0:13 white has rg8
Kid was like don't wanna humiliate you shake my hand bro .
Even I know this kid.
His name is Stephen and I think he's around 4-5 years.
I've met him in many tournaments in Tamil Nadu.
Instead of playing g7, White had a quicker and more beautiful checkmate. It was to play Rf8 when the opponent played Rg8. Forces black to play Rxf8 and then g7#.
Hey i saw this boy in a chess tournament
Funny thing is the position is a draw after Kh6 if black plays Ra6
He is a Chad Sigma as he wants to checkmate with queen. Lol😅😅
Rxg8 was a simple win😂
Run if u see a kid playing chess ☠️
the move after the piu so move in last in whit
But he can also capture with rook
2 missed checkmates.
What is the price of this chess
Smw position was played between pragnaanandhaa vs ganguly at 13 yes age of pragg
R f8
Why he looks dumb and smart at the same time?
Nada como la inocencia de un niño
Stalemate means tie 😅
if he cut the opponent's roor he also won the game but it also a great idea to won🎉