How I almost died
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Brilliant move by the relative
Okk dut wy you do that🤦♀️
The most Russian story
He refers to the person who saved his life as "one of my relatives". That's gangsta.
weird Ludwig uploaded a YT short on Levy's channel
For those who don't understand American units, -40 degrees Fahrenheit is exactly -40 degrees Celsius.
THANK YOU for calling it football.
this is pretty cool, id love to see more videos like this
А теперь еще раз но по русски пж я не слова не понял😫😫
him as 9 looks like jesse
Lesson learned jump in the cold water to gain inteligence
Intelligence 😂😂😂
For a second I thought it was going to be one of the nuclear lakes but then I realize that’s dumb
Is he Rússian ?
Sacrificing the levy😂😂😂😂😂😂
Damn! So you’re 29 old af – ratio
Bro almost got checkmated irl
Levy never wanted to tell us he’s almost 30
That was almost mate in 9
I Love this Storys 😂
Stock fish was the only one who could handle such a blunder without any assistance
Moral of the story don't hang with Russian children
Bro took a risky gambit
Bro almost died so he decided to start up his chess mastery career and in parallel became famous
Bro blundered death in 68 🤦
Подскажи какое это озеро, хотел поплавать этим летом
GothamChess tried to play a sacrifice by playing life to h8 while the lake is protected by the cold and the queen was thinking about accepting the sacrifice but GOTHAMCHESS’S RELATIVE SAW IT RESIGNED AND DIDNT SAC HIS LIFE. truly a beautiful move
Hater would say: you haven't survived and you are a fake 🤣
You really blundered that move
You Russian???? Привет
Throwing the game for no reason. That's our man!
40 degree Fahrenheit
= 4. degree celcius
u are welcome
yeah don’t do what levy did. it has gotten many people drowned and if this happens to you make sure you float on your back and try not to panic
his opponent didn't find mate in 1
and in this position he sacrificed… HIS LIIIIIIFFFFFFEEEEE
bro blundered mate in one but luckily his relative didnt see it and helped him win 🙂
Your cold elo was too low that time
and he sacrificed… HIS LIFE
and he sacrificed… HIS FUTURE
This is the difference between an IM and a GM
Reminds me of the deathly hallows sword scene in the forest
That’s how a lot of people drown, even in warmer climates. Water takes a lot of energy to get hot, which is why it’s used as a coolant for a lot of things like soldering irons. When it first gets hot in summer, the water is still cold, so people actually drown like this. Stay safe everyone
Achievement Unlocked : First Blunder
playing grand theft auto at 9 years old is my favorite ☠