How I Went From 0 to 1700 Chess Elo in One Year

Are you a beginner or intermediate Chess player looking to improve your game and climb the rankings? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, I share the best tips and techniques I’ve learned to gain Chess elo FAST and avoid plateauing.

It all started in January 2022 when I rediscovered the game of Chess through the Netflix series, The Queen’s Gambit. Instantly falling in love with the game, I dove headfirst into researching the best learning techniques online. Fast forward just one year, and I reached the top 1% of players on, surpassing 1700 elo.

In this video, I present 24 do’s and don’ts to help you reach your Chess goals. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an intermediate player looking to improve, my tips will give you the edge you need to climb the rankings and dominate your opponents.


#chess #reychess

0:00 – INTRO
0:42 – 0-800 ELO
3:26 – 800-1000 ELO
5:37 – 1000-1200 ELO
7:53 – 1200-1400 ELO
10:01 – 1400-1600 ELO
12:27 – OUTRO

Subscriber Count: 56

%1$ Comments276

    I heard "put ur book down , go have some fun"

    I am following those lines seriously❤

    Puzzles are for the weak, play like a sigma watch Gotham and play the game that's all you need the road might get longer but it'll be one hell of a trip
    Plus you will always know in your heart the only people who helped you grow are you yourself and the GOAT Gotham.

    im 1300 and its taken a looooongggg time. My biggest problem is my ego, when my opponent plays fast or seems to stuff my attacks I tilt really easily. It's like they know I am rageing haha

    You’re so right about the puzzles. I watched no videos on YouTube, learned no book openings, and only understood the basic concepts like control the center and develop. I got to around 1500 on the puzzles and I immediately knew how to play and win games 😂

    U studied chess for a couple hours a day?? People code for a couple hours a day to learn how to be a professional software engineer to make 100k. It’s not “only” a couple hours a day.

    I agree with everything except playing the Sicilian. I got incredible win rate against 400+ rated opponents just by defending. If you like defending then I recommend the Sicilian as your pawn structure will be superior if you defend successfully.

    My elo is 500 and I have been playing for an year. How do I improve in chess?

    3:20 but isn’t puzzles limited to some number a day? At least in mobile version they are, and web version is banned in my country. Is there any good app or site where I can do puzzles?

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to post this video

    Nice stuff bro, its taken me about a year and a half but we've had pretty similar chess journeys. Good luck in the future.

    I’ve been playing for a year but I don’t really study. At most I watch games from gms and stuff like that. I don’t watch Gotham. I don’t play too much, sometimes skip a week or a month without playing and I’m 1300 in rapid. When I would analyze my games though most say I play like 1450 and they’re a good amount that I play like above 1800… it’s kinda cool but I do wish I was higher rated. I can basically beat everyone at my school so far and like the next best player is like 900. 2200 puzzles. 1.1k both blitz and bullet. I would say though that I never really had a gradual increase in rating. I got three big jumps from 600-800, 800-1100 and 1050 to 1350 all in a single day. They happened because those days I was just in the mood to play chess the whole time. Consisted of a ton of puzzles a lot of bullet and transition into rapid. Both 800-1100 and 1050 to 1350 jumps in a single day were actually like a night. I went from like 10pm to 3am on the 8 to 11 and 4 hours for the 10-13

    How do I get better I am only 2100 I want a title

    Summary Of The Video:
    0-800 Elo :
    #1 Solve Puzzles
    #2 Watch Educational Chess Content
    -Recommended YT channels
    #3 Play Basic Openings(Don't Play Sicillian As A Beginner)
    -As White Play London System
    -As Black Play Caro-kann Defence

    #1 Don't Play Bullet And Blitz
    #2 Don't Worry About Winning Or Losing
    #3 Don't Spend Money On chess
    800-1000 Elo:
    His Daily Routine:
    -30 min Puzzles
    -2-3 Rapid Games
    -Watch Educational Videos
    #1 Analyze Your Games Afterwards
    #2 Look At Your Opponent's Threats After Each Move

    #1 Don't Memorize Opening Moves instead Learn The Principles Of Opening
    #2 Don't Worry About Learning Theoretical EndGames
    #3 Don't Get Frustrated For Slow Progress
    1000-1200 Elo:
    #1 Solve Puzzles In The Correct Way (Solve for Accuracy Not For Speed)
    #2 Start Learning Endgames
    #3 Watch Daniel Naroditsky

    #1 Don't Play While Tilted
    #2 Don't Study Too much (At The End It's Just A Game)
    1200-1400 Elo:
    #1 Learn The Middle Game Plan In your Openings
    #2 Know All Traps In Your Openings

    #1 Don't Study too Much About Openings
    #2 Don't Only Play Gambits And Trappy Openings
    1400-1600 Elo:
    #1 Buy Chess Courses
    #2 Advanced 2500+ Rated Puzzles
    #3 Look From Your Opponent's POV

    #1 Don't Move Without Any Plan
    #2 Don't Fixate on One Single Tactic

    Bruh said dont waist money but bought gothamd thingy

    I started as 172 elo 6 months ago. And I'm 1157 rn 😀

    I dont know if 0-1700 in a year is that good, but If I can get that in a year since im around 1000 rated id be extremely happy

    Where did he use the analysis on his game stats?

    I went from 0 to 2100 in 3 weeks is that normal

    bro exactly what I was looking for, tried searching for something like this but couldn't find much, but youtube recommends coming in clutch

    Bro pls make a video about your repertoire🦍

    Fantastic video man! Hilarious, informative, and practical!

    To summarize the whole video: PUZZLE, PUZZLE AND PUZZLE

    As a 2000+ elo rated player i learn a lot from this from 800 to 1700. Thanks man.

    do you have any tips on learning openings? I'm 750 rated but my goal is to surprise my old highschool teacher by beating him at chess (he is rated 1600 so I got a long ways ahead of me). I've found the viena, Caro Kann and englund gambits as my 3 openings that i ant to play but honestly I'm struggling with actualy learning the moves, I tried using chessable but the courses there always teach you the first 20 moves of the game or something and it's just way too much for my brain to handle). I feel like there are so many different lines to learn :"what if they move the bishop, or the knight, or the d pawn, what if they move it 2 squares…". Also it feels like my oponents are playing like absolute monkeys so I can't really practice what I learn about openings which sort of resets my advantage of knowing openings given that what they play is completely out of left field. To add to this long comment I just wanna say that this was a great video and I'm definitely going to be doing more puzzles.

    When you're this elo you can maybe rematch your dad
    Me a 600 who've only lost to him once by removing all minor pieces from the start

    Me I'm a beginner and I also use Sicilian for black and London for white

    How many hours a day did you play and study for?? You can play chess for years and just play a few games a day and not study and you will maybe gain a few hundred Elo but if you play for a year and seriously study hard for 2-3 hours a day you will get to 1400-1600 . What's important is the serious hours you put in.

    Im a hard stuck 1600 hundred honestly lost motivation and haven't been playing a lot. my dream is 2000 but i struggle with studying chess i have no clue how to do it so i was wondering if you have a video or if you can make one please??

    I had a similar experience. I went from 400-1500 elo in 4 months.

    Most entertaining chess Chanel pls. Keep going

    Im a 1200 right now, 13 years old. Was a 400 in january. Pretty proud of my journey

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