How I Went From 0 to 1700 Chess Elo in One Year

Are you a beginner or intermediate Chess player looking to improve your game and climb the rankings? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, I share the best tips and techniques I’ve learned to gain Chess elo FAST and avoid plateauing.

It all started in January 2022 when I rediscovered the game of Chess through the Netflix series, The Queen’s Gambit. Instantly falling in love with the game, I dove headfirst into researching the best learning techniques online. Fast forward just one year, and I reached the top 1% of players on, surpassing 1700 elo.

In this video, I present 24 do’s and don’ts to help you reach your Chess goals. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an intermediate player looking to improve, my tips will give you the edge you need to climb the rankings and dominate your opponents.

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#chess #reychess

0:00 – INTRO
0:42 – 0-800 ELO
3:26 – 800-1000 ELO
5:37 – 1000-1200 ELO
7:53 – 1200-1400 ELO
10:01 – 1400-1600 ELO
12:27 – OUTRO

Subscriber Count: 56

%1$ Comments276

    I almost bought a chess book at Elo 400 range. I'm having a hard time focusing once it comes to mid-game, and seldom do I last above 400. I can't count how many times I've had to climb back from 300. Sometimes it's full send on forming structure or full blunder mode because of the opponent's play at my elo. To grow, I need to do Puzzles, rapid games (don't worry about wins or losses), and study. Thank you so much! I'm ready for the grind. Insert songeboob with scholars mate blunder, checkmate.

    1. Always analyze your games
    Well, I would if they hadnΒ΄t made it so ungodly expensive recently

    5:15 Disagree with this one. Endgame principles should be learned from the beginning for two reasons:
    First, you don't have to do it later when it becomes more important
    Second, in this elo range, knowing these basic and slightly advanced endgame principles will give you an upper hand, meaning every game, you can try to push into endgame as quickly as possible and dominate there

    also about spending money
    you have tons of free features in lichess and stronger engines for free

    naroditsky and ben finegold are the best channels to learn chess by far

    Damn it only take 8 months for me to achieve 1800☠️

    it took 7 months for me to get to 1800

    I have a question i do not have diamomd membership to do puzzles.

    As an engineer, I appreciate the humor, the numbers, the approach… great great video! πŸ™‚ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

    Man I'm 19 and already got humiliated and destroyed by my grandpa πŸ’€

    Sooooo as a fellow chess player, I disagree. For one, who has backed you up? Is this some technique that GMs use? I do agree watching educational content on YT is helpful, but saying that puzzles are crucial? No. Of course, at a certain level, puzzles are really important, but until you reach 1500 elo, all you gotta do is know what a fork is. To get to 2000 elo (I'm using USCF elo, it would qualify as an expert, the first title that isn't class a/b/c/etc) that's when theory and opening-middlegame transitions become important. Also, bullet is helpful for vision and not blundering (I would recommend bullet for 0-1500 elo players and blitz can help intuition.

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