How Magnus DESTROYS Pins

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%1$ Comments443

    On the 2 percent when you said “slide the queen” I just thought of “slide the queen and bate it (their gonna take it)

    I think it's important to note that he ignores it most of the time because he's got a more lethal counter attack in mind based on his opponents setup.

    -1 pawn doesn't mean much when you can take control over the entire kings side of the board.

    He still reacts 45% of the time, likely when he doesn't see an angle to exploit his opponent yet early in games vs certain setups. Avoiding doubled pawns and keeping your defence flexible is a perfectly valid way to play. Especially for newer players.

    I hardly count that 3% "defending with his knight." The pinned knight is still pinned. He still can't move.

    your videos are getting excellent, as you start to teach , only one person can rival with you on you tube, excellent !

    Brilliant narration dear… ❤️❤️❤️

    Buddy, first off, I love this shit.
    Secondly, I hope you know you're autistic (I am too)
    Keep doing this stuff you're good at, you're incredible!

    How do you find the time? I am learning so much and truly am gratified with your expeertise.

    I started to ignore it more often and it’s been working out for me. Turns out, I like the open rook file it gives me. Also, I don’t have to concede tempo to deal with it. And an unexpected benefit is that it sometimes gives you another bullet to fire to control the center if needed

    Another common way to deal with a pinned knight is to out a knight inbetween instead of a bishop. That breaks the pin even if your other knight will now get pinned should you decided to move thr originally pimned knight. It's even theory in some openings.

    So in short, just ignore opponent when they pin, and if they take you can just ignore it and lose by illegal move while in check

    Hmmm… first to say: Nice effort for the analysis, I really appreciate it. But what I don't like for example is some meta information, which would be too hard to do completely. But look at 5:54. "Blocking with the bishop". But the knight is already defended with the 2nd knight.

    MOVED QUEEN ONLY 2%? Actually "moved queen" was used in 3 other of the responses, just not right away. So should you label some of your other responses as X + moved queen? What % involve moved queen now?

    Anyone knows what was the first game? I want to see what happened after.

    The example of the flank pawns isn't exactly accurate since the block was with the knight. Not exactly defended, per se, but still the pawn is a follow up that comes after dealing with the pin. Semantics, I'm sure.

    Amazing how I play like magnus 55% of the time. Yet lose 95% of the time.

    dude… i freakin love you! not because i watched the video fully, but because at the beginning of the video you pull out a massive spreadsheet showing your determination! just wanted to show my love for your dedication, and now will get back to watchinv the video!

    edit: i watched the video fully and was not dissapointed

    You are pasty, go outside and play chess in the Park.

    I like these analysis videos. You might even consider using all grandmaster-level games as an initial starting point, although the dataset would be much larger.

    Well alot of those i think are part of the oppening book moves so hes just playing book moves

    The most important statistic was not mentioned. OF THOSE 55% ignore the pin games, what percentage of those did he WIN. What percentage were lost and drawn. Can you tally up the wins of only the times he ignored the pins? If you viewed 100 games, then you have 55 games to consider. How many of those 55 were won? The video seems to be saying it is BETTER to ignore the pins and either develop or counter-attack. Thx!

    I noticed in not one of the examples the pin happened very early in the game (as usually happens in beginner games). So I wonder what's the best response for that scenario

    The moment you showed the spreadsheet, you earned a like from me. Respect to the effort.

    One could argue that moving the bishop in the first example is not ignoring it, but is preparing to castle so the knight is no longer pinned.

    Great info, thanks

    Bro , u should get your t levels checked…..

    Tried to Ignore the pin & learned a valuable lesson. Ignore it only if you are Magnus if not play safe 😄

    🎙I apologize for the poor audio quality! I'll be working on fixing this ASAP!

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