How To Calculate In Chess

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How to calculate in chess. Super important lesson on calculation for beginners, intermediate, advanced players, or checkers professionals.

0:00 Intro
1:03 Beginners Game 1
7:52 Beginners Game 2
12:10 Puzzles
15:39 Intermediate/Advanced
18:48 Advanced Example 2
22:02 Advanced Example 3
24:15 Example 4
27:04 Example 5

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%1$ Comments764

    Levy you’re amazing 🤩! Every time I’m depressed (which is every day) I just run to your channel and it helps me so much!

    there is no such thing as sicilian defense at 670.its opening mistake .aye aye sir 8:00

    When I've got two candidate moves and I can't decide which to play, I try to calculate the simpler one first. But sometimes it's too deep for me to thoroughly examine, and one move that works in one variation totally fails in another, and pretty soon I'm tangled. So I put the first move to the side, and look at the second move, and start to go down the tree of variations, pruning off the minor branches to keep it from getting out of control, but before long I'm tangled up on the second move too. So I just gaze at the board until I see a third move that I hadn't noticed before, and I immediately play it without the slightest bit of calculation.

    Yall know what I'm talking about, right?

    The name mango feels like something gotham would put to hide people's identity in the guess the elo series

    I have been calculating in chess before i saw the video. Its a bit challenging yet understandable.Also I am 600 now lets goooooo

    Enjoyed the video so far but you go far too quickly for someone who isn't already pretty good to understand and follow.

    Enjoyed the video so far but you go far too quickly for someone who isn't already pretty good to understand and follow.

    sir plzzz show us match ever played between boby fischer and Capablanca

    Hey Levy I was looking at the game where you played against grunbergmihai. I had the idea to go for the queen sacrifice anyway with the continuation… Bxh8 Rxh8 Kg7 Bf6! Kg6 Rg8. The king is forced to the h file and Rh1#. However if black plays Kh7 instead of Kh6 or Kh5 the idea falls apart. I calculated the queen sacrifice idea but didn’t catch Kh7 until working it out on a board. Glad I double-checked it lol

    Can't believe I spent half an hour of my life watching this. Time decently spent

    800 rated me

    sees half of video plays a match and blunders mate in one

    What do you do on mobile? I can't draw arrows

    Just in case if you did not know, Kasparov was born in Armenia… maybe that is why…

    If you see a good move look for a better one

    Can't believe such content is available for free damn levy 💜

    Weird question, gotham, but is the yellow arrows you use in all of your chess vids, edited or something like, in the settings of the chess app?

    is calculation hopeless if you are not able to see without moving the pieces or visualize the board with eyes closed?

    This is how i understood it:
    Opening=By the book, occasional changes (depends on the situation)
    Midgame=Calculation is key
    Endgame=You can study some paterns, but, if you are winning in material, you'll figure it out.

    thanks levy it was so helpful but I think I have to watch it 3or4 times again

    in intermediate/advanced section, queen to h8 sacrifice leads to checkmate. bishop takes queen, rook takes bishop, checkmate

    In the opening What if black move Bishop to g4 and white move pawn to h3, what are you going to do in this situation?

    Yeah, but people like Daniel have assistance from the Above, as clearly evident at 19:13.

    I calculate in Chess by not calculating. That way, I never miscalculate, I found.

    It's nice to see I'm doing most of this stuff already, without having any chess instruction other than studying games of the masters.

    Although your examples are from blitz games, in order to develop better calculation, should we play fewer, but slower games?

    Relating to the Naroditsky game: Botvinnik's king march against Capablanca at AVRO 1938 is a good model.

    As a chess player watching Hikaru do a calculation is like a guitar player watching Eddie Van Halen play guitar. All you can think is "There's no way I could play that good."

    I'm an absolute beginner who cannot think laterally yet.. this was really helpful… And what's great is I now just start saying random things rook d5, bishop g2, pawn to c5 and my opponents seem to believe I know what I'm doing it's now become a game of bluffs 😂

    im getting depressed i was at 1300 and slipped all the way down to 1000 almost 🙁

    What do the opponent want
    Do I have check
    Do I can capture
    Do I have a hanging Pawn
    Is there other action
    What is the meaning of life?
    Why do Pancake become a paste after being left on the open for too long with maple syrup on top?
    Why did my wife leave me?

    What is loveeeee

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