How To Calculate In Chess

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How to calculate in chess. Super important lesson on calculation for beginners, intermediate, advanced players, or checkers professionals.

0:00 Intro
1:03 Beginners Game 1
7:52 Beginners Game 2
12:10 Puzzles
15:39 Intermediate/Advanced
18:48 Advanced Example 2
22:02 Advanced Example 3
24:15 Example 4
27:04 Example 5

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%1$ Comments764

    In low elo it is hard to use my planned openings because opponents usually play weird moves. How should I proceed in these cases? I haven't played many games online but I'm around 721 rapid and 730 daily.

    at 1:49 instead of nh5 it couldve gone ne4 ne4 pe4 then knight would've been free

    If you find mate on step 2, step 3 style points on the checkmate.. discovered checkmate, double checkmate, etc lol

    Not gonna lie, Levy. This video was one of the most informative….like, ever.

    Been stuck in 750s for the past 2 months 🙃

    This was excellent for me as a beginner. Now I have the "checklist", I will be able to apply a structured approach to making decisions about moves. How well I will do it is another matter, but at least I will be applying the correct thinking. This video along with the 'How to Stop Being Stuck at a Chess Rating' video work really well to cover the areas I need to improve. Often I cannot see what move will be problematic ahead, even though I try to work it through. Practice with the Checklist will hopefully help. Hiring a coach at such a low level does not seem practical, what are your thoughts? Thanks again, Lynne (Lindy1956)

    I’m a 1500 elo in puzzles, but like 700 in rapid games so this helped.

    Mr.Gotham please suggest some chess books to improve our Opening, Endgame, Positional, Tactics and also how to begin chess career.

    That was a very useful information. Thanks man ❤️

    Just recently got back into chess after not playing for over 20 years and trying to relearn everything I forgot, and this has probably been the most helpful video I've seen so far. Really helping me get back into the mindset that came so naturally when I was 12-13.

    i love when he gets a little energy in him he starts talking like mafia

    i lost my natural calculation abilities because i was knock unconscious by my cousin

    There's nothing called Sicilian Defense in 670😂😂

    Right of the start "for my under 1000 player, it's not hanging a piece in one move"… bruh i'm done

    this is literally just a really in depth 30 minute free chess lesson wtf thanks dude

    I have been liquid all these days.. and now I am solid just because I have been watching gothamchess

    In other words, if you want to actually play chess, you have to live and breathe it.

    Levy is quite the character; he's growing on me. I watched his Magnus and Alpha-Zero influence vid and liked Levy's style and then enjoyed a few more vids; now subscribed! Hate to start by questioning the man, and I'm a beginner or amateur, whichever is lower but at 9:20, he said, "the king can't move, the king can't move." It seems to me it's the "Knight" that can't move, as it is pinned, yes? Nevertheless, I dig his analysis and his forward style. thanks Levy. Good content

    Most powerful video I've ever seen on chess

    I'm Armenian and I took chess in year 2 but I'm not that good now. With a rating of 700

    ~1600 here. One of my biggest strategical problems is e.g. at 29:45 to see black has the plan to push their pawns for a queenside attack. I don't do this (any more) because I think I'll weaken my king and I (black) get mated. And this actually comes from my experience: Usually when I tried sth. like that, I got mated.
    So what do I do? I can't calculate whether this is dangerous for me.
    This is so annoying because I feel like whatever rules you learn in chess, half the time they don't apply (like in this case: don't push the pawns that guard your king).

    At 26:12 what if white play Knight takes C6 then black knight takes knight then white bishop takes knight attacking both the other knight and the f7 pawn.

    Hey Gotham! Many people(including me) get stuck on real-life FIDE ratings. Me, for one, am stuck on the 1100s, because whenever I go to a rated tournament, I encounter 1400s, and I'm unable to do anything there except lose. How do I get out of my Chess block thing?

    POV: You are an 1100 FIDE rated player, but aren't able to improve and beat 1400s to improve your rating

    16:40 : i think about Bh6 wich force Black to eat me, so i eat him back with queen and check the queen.
    16:45 : ah i was maybe close ^^

    Thank you so much gotham❤️❤️❤️

    What a tremendous calculation episode!!!!!!!!!

    At 670. there is no such thing as Sicilian defence! lol…rofl.. 😂😂😂

    As 944 rated as of today on August/10/2021… I agree! haha.

    what is the checklist exactly? (I'm 12 minutes in)

    I just learned that fact about Armenia reading Karel van Delft's "Chess for Educators."

    Thanks you gotham chess. You help me to calculate and defeat my opponent which was 1600 and I am 1235 lol. But thanks a lot.

    How do these 800 players know the openings/chess theory. I lived my entire life without knowing chess theory even existed until like 2 years ago lol

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