How To Calculate In Chess

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How to calculate in chess. Super important lesson on calculation for beginners, intermediate, advanced players, or checkers professionals.

0:00 Intro
1:03 Beginners Game 1
7:52 Beginners Game 2
12:10 Puzzles
15:39 Intermediate/Advanced
18:48 Advanced Example 2
22:02 Advanced Example 3
24:15 Example 4
27:04 Example 5

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%1$ Comments764

    as an 850 rated player, I've never been so offended and correctly called out in the first 30 seconds of a YouTube video

    28:01 Instead of b3 not good to white if he takes his knight or the rook to e6 pawn, Because if he takes with the knight attacks the blacks bishop on g7,and if he takes with a rook,he can give a check to a black king?

    23:24 Why take back a king instead of black puts a knight to b6?If white takes our knight with a knight,we just take with a pawn. And if don't take he must go back with a knight,because our knight attacks his knight

    4:23 Why not a queen gives a check instead of a bishop?And if i give a check with a queen i escaped grom a danger what attacked the queen

    Hi I am a 13-1400 rated player who can’t seem to progress. I’d love to play your in one of your videos

    6:30 my head got blown when he flipped the board 🤯 the whole world stopped making sense for me

    "opening knowldge and how to get out of opening is not calculation"
    this is eye opener

    Gotham, got retired early so one of my concentrations is on chess. You have great stuff here, a big help, thanks.

    Finally, I can prove to my teachers that I can calculate without using Algebra

    I always start chasing their king and lose everything while trying to mate them 😀 😀 😀

    Me: I'm an advanced player, my rating is in the 2000s!
    Also my dumbass calculating for five minutes and then getting mated in one because of a queen blunder:

    In Levy's game in the Intermediate/Advanced section, could you not also sacrifice the queen on h8 and follow up with the h-rank rook for checkmate? ( .Qh8, Bxh8 .Rxh8#) Bxh8 is a forced move.

    Even though I am a 1600, I still love this video and watch this a lot. The checklist helps me think of tactics (The more advanced ones) That I regularly would not have seen

    Umm just a quick question
    at timestamp 26:16, white has to move the best move would have been knight from a5 to b7.
    Black will loose the a8 rook in exchange of one knight and pawn later continued by to bishop to a3 blocking king movement and controlling the f8 square.

    worked very well for me exepct for the fact that i lost 10 games in a row where i was pecie up in a winning position but lost by time

    Lol at the beginning of every game the queens spawn on d’s

    The first 10 seconds of this video reminded me why I didn't go for mathematics in high school.

    I have a question when he was talking about his game like right at the beginning of the intermediate part I forgot the time, couldn’t you have just pushed Queen force check, bish takes Queen, rook takes bish is that not check mate?

    at 16 minutes, don't you have a forced mate? Qh8+, BxQ, RxB+, Kg7, Bf6+, Kg6, Rg8+, Kh7, Rdh1+, KxR, Rh8++

    I realise I tend to overlook what is left unguarded as I move my pieces. This really helps.

    What do you mean there's no such thing as a civilian defense at 670?

    20:30 doesn't this also allow white to answer with Kg1 since this is no longer getting trapped on the back rank?

    I am certain i am not watching Gotham chess. Its Harry Potter Chess

    levy i love ur videos but have u ever thought about going outside boy u white af

    I really wanted to watch a video like this. 😀 I have trouble coming up with my own moves, I have trouble understanding the best moves for my opponent. I have tunnel vision most of the time.

    I thought u r going to talk about finding combinations or some useful calculation such as changing square and so on

    Emanuel Lasker in his Lasker's Manual of Chess seems decades ahead of anything written since. He writes in his Fourth Book on positional play: "This fundamental and universal principle may be briefly expressed as follows: the basis of a masterly plan is always a valuation … To value, to evaluate, to judge, to estimate a thing does not pretend to exact knowledge. But knowledge by estimate, by judgment, by valuation, though not exact, according to the principle of Steinitz, is still an efficient guide for the master … What now is the reason for my valuation? Valuations again! … Finally, all of my valuations originate from my experiences … And from this rough material is generated, by continued trial and intelligent criticism, the series of valuations by which the master arrives at his conclusions."

    Me: Okay looking good. They can check with their Queen but it's defended by my Knight.
    Opponent: Checks with Queen.
    Me: Lol haha this idiot just hung their Queen. Now I'll just take with my Knight.
    Knight is pinned.

    Knight is pinned

    It's not Check

    This is for beginners? I can’t imagine what category I’d be in then lol I was inspired to play chess and for weeks I’ve been looking at a board but these videos were my only hope to learn and now I’m more confused than when I started. If anyone can tell me what point in this video I actually learn something I can understand, that would be nice. I just have replayed the first 5 minutes over and over, probably more than 10 times. It’s been about an hour and I’m really exhausted as it’s basically a heat wave outside lately

    im working on being more like these big players im 12 and i can think around 3-4 moves ahead and plan a checkmate my biggest problem is openings can u please do a vid or someone link me to one

    I'm already confused. How does e6 prevent e5 attacking your Knight? 1:47


    I smashed the like button as soon as I saw the intro exactly as I had imagined. Maybe this is a sign that I'll be a good chess coach?😆

    excellent video! thank you for all hints and tips!

    What a brilliant video. Recommend for beginners and intermediates (eg up to about 1400 rating). Although good for anyone to watch, but lots to take away for the up to 1400s

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