I Attempted “Pokémon Chess”

Thank you to @LittleZReal for creating a worse alternative for Chess
#pokemon #alpharad #chess

➤ hi i did this one all by myself

➤ Koro:

A massive shoutout to @ludandschlattsmusicalempor6746 for the free music 🙂

%1$ Comments256

    This is essentially the Pokemon raiding game

    I would play this, if it didn't have the miss and crit chance. RNGesus can eff right off.

    I'm impressed that I haven't seen anybody say this yet but …

    "Unfortunate doesn't even begin to describe-"

    The fact that at 7:50 1812 overture was playing which is a song about a war that got turned on its head is a good touch

    Honestly, I feel like a proper Pokémon Chess has potential:
    – Every piece has a Pokémon attached to it, moves and stats and all.
    – When a piece moves onto an enemy piece's tile, instead of capturing that piece immediately, it "confronts" that piece.
    – When a piece confronts another piece, they initiate battle where the loser is captured.
    – The confronting piece gets some sort of buff, and/or the confronted piece gets a debuff.
    – Optional: 2 pieces of the same team can also move onto the same space to join up. Joined-up pieces change their movement pattern between the involved pieces every turn, and their Pokémon can switch out for each other in battle. Pieces can only join up into pairs or (extra optional subrule) into trios.
    – Optional (requires the rule above): Joined-up pieces get promoted differently. Once promoted, they can move as either of the involved pieces at all times, and can choose between fighting normally or in Double Battles. Trio pieces (if allowed) can be promoted twice. The first time, they can move as 2 of the 3 pieces each round and can do Double Battles. When promoted twice, they can move as any of the 3 pieces and also do Triple and Rotary Battles.

    800 elo is close to grand master now, ok. It’s not like you need to have 2500 Elo to become a grand master but hey what do I know

    Why Aren't NidoKING and NidoQueen have to King and Queen, disapointing.

    “800 ELO is actually a lot and very close to grandmaster”

    Are you sure about that?

    the critical hits kinda don't make sense in my opinion. Chess is supposed to be strategy based, not luck based.

    I’m the words of a wise man: You gotta play around crits

    So I noticed people taking the king. That's an illegal move in chess lol

    And just like that. It all came down to rng at the end.

    Can someone tell me why it keeps saying “failure to keep tab alive” IVE BEEN THERE THE ENTIRE TIME

    Are pokemons' abilities included? Like, Shedinja's wonder guard?

    yo on a completely unrelated note this Raisin Bran is busting

    Truly, Alpharad was on a winning streak. He was getting so close! And all it took was a lucky critical hit to have that dream come crumbling down like the tower of Babel.

    captain kidd? hold on since when was he a real guy and not an one piece character?

    Ah yes, missing. The best Pokémon mechanic

    interestingly, taking down the steel and ice types to win that game is something a fighting type could also do 😛

    I’m a lil sad to see Astroid misspelled in the video, but a great video nonetheless

    The RNG giveth, and the RNG taketh away. Such is the way of the gamer

    Alpharad is still a Smash player at heart, he resorts to letting the match go to time

    I think I'm starting to understand random crit haters.

    I was expecting that if you take a peice it starts a Pokémon battle and the winner survives but this is better tbh

    "Because what chess needed was more rng"
    Isn't that just, what pokemon is normally?

    Definitely not the way I would have built this game format, but still fun

    if anybody wanna bring back the Icarus copy pasta, i think this is the right video for it

    I think they made it so you cant get checked so a stalemate is impossible, smart move.

    Losing the final to Crit RNG is just too funny

    I wasn't even playing and I'm salty about that.

    Bruh the song at 2:35 is my ringtone and I was SO confused

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