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%1$ Comments865

    I'm in Australia so this vid was posted on the 2nd of feb for me. That means it's real, right?

    hi 🙂 thx amigo ! "i accidentely play the good move" = very fun 🙂 congrats by the way 🙂

    he said first three days I checked faster than how my dad left me and it was 16h

    hey levy there are new bots pls make a video about them

    Best game from Levy I've ever watched
    Edit: I just realised 😂

    You actually havent sacrificed

    The book!
    "In his own words, i am not ready to sacrifice the boooook" -Anish Giri Prunav Rajesh

    Wow thanks a lot yall in the comments for ruining this

    It is an april's fools joke, Magnus only played bullet that day and levy said it was blitz

    Bro I am not capping your game is the perfect replica of Gregorz vs Dina In Reykjavik Open 😮

    i was so excited and happy for levy, until i checked the comments

    It really goes to show you the power of the mind. Idolizing someone is one of those things that is a blessing until you directly compete against them. It’s always an amazing accomplishment when you don’t fumble the bag with someone you look up to. Really, really, nice job Levy

    May be all fake but I’m still gonna watch cause levy

    probably your best video, and I follow you since 2020

    I totally thought he was going to get to the end of the game and be like “oh shit I had the names on the wrong colors… I was black. My bad”

    Is this a prank for April 1st😂?

    Bruh can someone explain to me is this video real or not,did Levy beat Magnus?I mean I am that retarded that trust Levy really defeated Magnus

    levy you bastard. just now realizing i can't trust a thing you say

    well, this piece of gold is actually a Dina Belenkaya beauty, she did it against Grzegorz Gajewski. But big congratulations anyway 🎉🎉🎉

    Was this an April Fool using the game of Belenkaya Gahewski from the Iceland Open?

    Remember people-
    If levy doesn't scream, its a prank!

    I also beat Magnus around 3 am EST 4/1/2023. He was up messing around with the elephant gambit and I crushed him. It's all rigged.

    LMAO Same whenever i defeat a slightly stronger player in our local place XD I FEEL YA CONGRATULATIONS!

    bro someone please tell me is this a joke or what. im so confused of these comments

    This video was released on april 2nd where i am so i didnt suspect anything until the end but then i realised id been had… 💀💀💀

    Κατσίκα Ανωμαλου δρόμου says:

    Bro I don't think that counts as clickbait because of the April's fool shit but man that was a prank i got fooled so bad. I was so happy for him damn stop playing with my feelings

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