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%1$ Comments865

    Imagine being magnus and every time you lose it changes someone's life

    Congratulations Levy! Well-deserved! You walking through your logic in your videos is helping me a lot!

    Wow. I only realised at 16:25. I feel very, very dumb. Well played, Levi. Well played…

    hi IM levy can you please help me by seeing my match and what i should change to become better and how can i send you the match

    I wonder if the 50% on his website is also a joke

    You beat Magnus Carlson
    I'm new to chess but I'm playing and grinding my blitz rating

    Before watching let me just say I'm going with "Things that Never Happened for $500, Alex" ;D

    This is why I hate April fools. I only noticed after checking the comments…

    It's been a minute, congrats Levy.

    when did we hit 3.45m?

    this is one of the best April fools ever. Also the way it's revealed at the end is amazing

    It’s like when they told us we all needed to get a C19 jab, and then we realised we’d all been pranked.

    Nice April fool prank 🤣🤣🤣
    I can't believe I almost cried for this dude 😂😂

    This is Dina's game. We got fooled. Lol. Magnus will never play this crap.

    i know its april fools but i wanna see the joke anyway

    I hate you for this 😂😂
    I was genuinely happy for you 😂

    This game looks oddly familiar to the one @agadmator posted with Dino Belenkaya and Grzegorz Gajewski.

    Wow, exactly one year to the day you became a grandmaster, you defeated Magnus! Congrats, what an awesome way to celebrate your GM anniversary.

    good journey in chess maybe we gonna meet 1 day in world champions

    The reason why chess players still don't have bitches

    It’s almost like this video was released on 04/01/23

    выпусти серию на русском хоть разок я знаю ты можешь =))))

    Levy is GM! Why its IM on the board?

    Great job Levy , Really happy for you , you are amazing .
    and IF its april fool , f u .

    Fuck me! I forgot again that it’s April!! Time flies.

    this time the stare was very believable 10/10

    "there is hope for you in your chess career" (when your opponent is randomly pushing the king in the middle of the board)

    when I saw the thumbnail I was like what the !?!!??

    When you see it is uploaded on 1st April💀

    Happy April fools levi sad you dint made me fool I knew it was Dina game

    It is clearly April fool's 😅 HAPPY APRIL FOLL'S EVERYONE🎉🎉!!

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