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%1$ Comments865

    What a coincidence, i thought.
    Then i saw the date.


    @GothamChess What is the difference between your Chessly e4 course and your brand new Chessable e4 course? Deciding which I should purchase and was curious.

    I'm smiling until now of Gothams reaction

    I genuinely thought this was clicked bait, but it turns out it wasn't!

    GG levy, happy for you, mate

    Magnus was definitely sober lol regardless man congrats

    Hahahahhaa you’re an absolute beauty my guy 😂😂😂 I wish it was real. You had me. Till you didn’t.

    Im so sad cause i watched this vid right after agadmator and hikaru's new vids

    He had me in the first half until I realized it April Fool's

    I relized its april fools day when i watched it for 5 minutes

    Moment of silence for all the people who don't know…

    Fuuuuuuck I just realised… You got us levy.

    NGL interesting date to release this video

    Congrats Levy!! that's so great! super happy for you

    I can’t believe it… levy rizzman beat Magnus Carlson… this is truly a moment that will go down in hustory

    April fools I’m calling it before the video starts

    Screw you levy. 🥺 why am I so gullible? I believed in you 😂

    I just watch the same game 5 minutes ago @ agadmator’s Chanel. 1 April joke I guess

    I was like, "He's gonna show a game of 2 different people at the end" and thank god I was right haha

    At first I thought this was gonna be a 'how to lose at chess' parody where he was trying to rationalize shit moves. Then I thought that the plot twist was gonna be that it was the magnus bot. That was unexpected. That was a good game from 'levy'.

    Bro u had me thinking magnus got clapped

    I’m so stupid I didn’t realize throughout the whole video

    Congrats on the best april fool ever in chess history

    I was high and believed you wholeheartedly lmao

    What an awesome game that was! I litteraly send my kids away to watch it. Well done Levy. Outstanding, fantastic, glorious, superb. Fia should see it and give you the GM title.

    I had already seen this match and midway realized that this was an April fools joke lmao

    He said he play on different acc to keep him anonymous yet he literally have his name and face on the profile😂

    totally thought this was real without realizing what day it was XD

    goddamn i got really hyped in the final moves, keep it up levy! for sure all your study hasn't been for nothing and this game is prove of that , welcome to the zone, be greedier, you can! <3

    I watched the Hikaru video before this, and I can PROUDLY say I was not fooled… Me – 1, Levy – 0.

    Yep saw that coming. I had actually wacht the real chess game today just didn't see that that was the same game till at the end

    I'm going to ignore the date and instead just be happy for Levy

    I'm sorry. I couldn't focus on the game. I knew what was coming and was waiting for the bomb shells.

    I hate you levi, you make me happy for your success then I realized this is the second time today I fell for April fools

    Levy is progressing rapidly in the field of chess. Last year on the same day, he obtained his GM title and today he achieved the rare feat of defeating the world champion himself.

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