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%1$ Comments865

    crazy how he defeats magnus but loses to a kid

    At first I was shocked 😲,,,, but then I realized that the combination of Levy and April fools day can't disappoint 😅

    Good April fool game….it was dina game I guess

    I just want to leave a mark that I was here

    You are so great when you are not thinking. Well done, levy! ❤

    I wish this were just an April fools thing, but Levy’s been consistently using clickbait to up his views.
    I’ve had enough

    this is a new moment in history everyone will remember 😮

    Even though i knew the whole time it wasnt real, i still found it really entertaining

    I wonder how many people actually bought this lmfao

    I legit almost left the video after watching the whole this. I was completely fooled until I went to the comments and saw April fools. I was confused and realized it was April. I’m an idiot

    Levy subs gonna go stonks upon beating Magnus.Congrats Levythe Legend truly

    Plays Nf3 and not Nc3 vs the Sicilian??? he’s got to be trolling. I bet Levi would go Nc3 take on d4 and drop the queen back to d2 😏

    Of course levy can’t beat Magnus that’s why you don’t buy his chessly courses

    You should've done the Simon Williams game and made yourself look like a god, the Simon Williams game hikaru even said was the best game he's seen all year and compared it to a romantic Paul Morphy game from the 1800s. When I saw it was the dina game I was like "AHHHHHHHH CMON MAN YOU WERE SO CLOSE!!!!"

    Edit: you know I just realized from his perspective, maybe the reason is because he plans on covering the Simon Williams game in another video and doesn't wanna repeat the same game and have people click off on the best game played all year because it's repeat content. You know, I retract my statement.

    W Levi fr happy for you man, YouTuber award then gave magnus the L!!!!

    oh sweet Bobby Fischer. Was this released on April 1st?!

    grandmaster class prank Levy.

    "Wow i thought it was a april fool prank but you beat magnus, that's so good"

    When Levy throws out YET ANOTHER clickbait video…. and it ends up not being clickbait xD hahaha

    Great Job, Levy. I hope this encourages you to reconsider getting back to competitive chess. I still believe you have what it takes to make it to GM, or at the very least, become the highest ELO IM ^_^ lol

    Before clicking I thought this is some kind of click bait😂
    Ended up watching whole video thinking oh god this is real and then getting fooled in the end.💀😂

    Dang in one year after become GM too🎉😂

    I wanna see Magnus's version of this, where he's hammered, with all of his friends joking around.

    Do they give Emmys for YouTube videos? This deserves one. Good on you mate!

    Stole a women’s work and claimed it as his own, typical misogyny in the chess world smh

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