I became a chess prodigy.

in my chess era



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%1$ Comments464

    Hi! What was your favorite book a a kid?❤

    POV The two people in my class are Angilena and Elliot ELLOIT WON

    “Too easy! Too easy! Too easy!”

    Explanation: Isaiah has a YT channel and his fan bad is called the “too easy army.”

    it’s giving… AHDH hyperfixation manic stage 😂

    What up with the cameras on her phone at the start☠️🙀😂

    Wait? Tou don't have any female friends

    Can someone pls explain what a scholar mate is cause I’m boutta rip out my hair if I don’t 😭

    Can I borrow him? Can my 11 yo beats me every time… grrrr. He’s been playing since he was 4 lol

    It’s the enthusiasm and dedication for me. Seriously though, love your channel.

    Sorry that’s only check
    It’s when your king can’t move your king can still move to get away from that piece so that would be check not checkmate

    This video sounds like my ADHD tendency to get super into new stuff but only until i get super into other new stuff 😂

    The “hosw to plzuy chwss” took me out. I love these details in your videos lmao

    "too easy"

    at that moment Isaiah had a mental breakdown

    couldn’t he have used his king to get the queen or whatever the piece was out?

    I cant belive she said that Ryan is her friend 😂

    Have you considered autistic (as is one of the main things is special interest)

    Uses schlors mate on 'apparent best chess player she knew' and wins

    right now my favorite hobbies is chess, reading, writing (books)

    This video is the cause of why ı began chess and ı love chess so much thank you for the video <3

    I’ve been playing chess basically since I could read. I actually won 2nd place at a women’s tournament when I was 8. My dad was raised playing chess by his dad so he taught me and my school that I went to at the time had a chess team and we would go to tournaments. I look back and wish I cherished the chess tournaments more because they were so much fun

    The "too easies" in the end were way too funny

    Hayley went from reading master to chess master. 🎉

    I love chess and I get mated when I play scholar's mate myself.

    The best player lose to scholars😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    ᪥ 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 ᪥ says:

    Excuse me ma’am did you just spell fibre as “fiber” 💀

    Whoever falls for the scholars mate. Is not good at chess😂

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