I became a chess prodigy.

in my chess era



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%1$ Comments464

    bro your friend isnt good at chess he fell for the scholars mate

    He could have just took you with his king couldn’t he

    I could prolly play chess on yo forehead gurl

    How can a “good player” fall for a scholars mate?

    The fact that that last move wasn't even checkmate had me dying on the floor laughing 😂

    I saw my sister play chess I decided to learn it and ask her to play with me and i acted like I didn’t know what I was doing but in the middle of the game my roommate came crashing in covered in peanut butter cuz my other roommate thought it would of been funny we had to end the game and help my roommates clean up the house and get the smell of peanut butter to go it was so random it was like a fever dream

    Bro made an entire short just to win because of scholars mate lol

    Why is this actually me tho, i fall into different “phases” in my life too where i have a random hobby and i work so hard on it, then i quit that phase and do a new hobby like so far all my “phases” are cubing, yo-yoing, writing diaries, reading, dice stacking, roller skating, playing chess, playing video games, watching yt(which isn’t a phase its for life lol), Lego building and more actually but its too much
    Thing is i still remember all the things and how to perfectly do it even though its just a phase, it will all be stuck in my mind forever after learning it 🙂 bur my main current focus and “phase” im in is actually chess too 😀 i randomly have a chess competition tournament hosted at my school on April 1st which is in 3 more weeks, and let me tell you i suck at chess but i joined the board games after-school activity program thing so i have the choice to be a board game timer (where i time others playing scrabble) or actually participate and play in a chess game anyways nobody is gonna read this but if you do pls wish me luck 😂 either way im just joining for fun

    This went over so many peoples heads. Wow.

    Why is everyone I know play chess😂😂😂 Literally all my classmates just bring chess board to lunch

    what's with the sudden hype In chess all of a sudden or is it just me

    Her: checkmate me: his king can kill the queen on his turn that’s check not checkmate

    Can we just take a moment to appreciate how beau-
    wrong comment section, my bad

    This is so scripted 😒
    You happen to put every fiber of your soul to chess just to learn a 4 move cheap sequence which not even kids play.

    She really thought she could fool us didn’t she

    I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but notice that you were reading “All I Want For Christmas.” Did you enjoy it? I really thought it was awesome!

    how is this entire comment section able to not have a sense of humor

    "Hours of training"
    Proceeds to use scholar's mate 🤓

    She played the kings pawn opening trap by moving your queen all the way out, then bishop, then take pawn with queen mating, because if king takes queen, bishop takes king so mate

    Bro I used to be so obsessed with chess for a couple months, I wasn’t really good since I just stayed at a 900 rating. Also a lot of kids at my school started playing chess, I can beat some, and I haven’t asked anybody else since I’m too shy.

    He actually was still in the game he just had to take down your bishop and then you would have died so play and think a little better

    Anyone above 300 elo knows how to defend this

    She did the scholars mate the most popular check mate move

    Bro watched one video about scholars mate 😂

    Mf fell for the scholars mate 💀💀💀💀

    Opportunity ha, I hate the scholars mate. If he is the best of your friends fall for that they are bad

    Why are there two bishops on white plus he could of moved forward

    his Not the best chess person so just give up or not there is more nightmare u will see in the future of chess:)

    You neurodivergent? Because thats the Obsession Level I have

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