I became a chess prodigy.

in my chess era



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%1$ Comments464

    Bro thats only check he can take it with the king lol

    Lmao this videos shitt
    Scholar mate and lost
    Didn't even develop the night to protect

    She has both the bishops in the white squares??

    WHY YALL ACTING LIKE “e4 e5 qh5 nc6 bc4 g6 qf3 nf6” IS A W PLAY?

    That’s not a checkmate the king could kill her queen

    Best chess player you know loses to scholars mate

    Did she just win by 4 moves checkmate…. i deaddd

    Imagine if in the game against Isaiah SHE SACRIFICED THE ROOOOOOK

    You can't knock over the king you lose of you do that in a chess tournament so technically you loss

    He lost to a four move check mate after a ware opening

    The king can still kill the bishop that is called a check, not a checkmate bruh

    it wasn't even check mate he could have moved to the top right

    Really, the scholars mate is a simple thing a lot of beginners fall for, but that makes it so he is not good at chess

    Ah yes the best player you know has an 900 Elo rating(or below, idk I’m guessing)

    Yeah spent months to learn the scholar mate a 4 move trap that takes 30 minutes to learn and apply not months minutes! And also it is the most easiest thing to counter if u fall 4 that u r either new to chess or got cocky or scripted the game.

    Hm best play u know falls in to fucking scholars mate

    Bro fell to a trap in 4 moves, just another day for the scholars mate

    Wow the bishops opening scholars mate is so hard to do thats craz😯

    Scholars no shor you say he's good and he fucked up to scholars

    the fact that the website ryan was using is the same one as my brother uses- 👏🏻

    This was like an abc kids after school special that I would have been obsessed with 😛 Voice over, story, edits, sounds effects. Perfect!

    If he is the best chess player you know, you need to enlarge your friend circle

    Ain't no way bro got scholars mates like that

    4 move checkmate is he really that good 😂😂😂😂

    Bro that’s a castle you just moved DIAGONALLY!!

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