I became a chess prodigy.

in my chess era



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%1$ Comments464

    Bro he lost to the scholars mate he's not fucking good its almost the worst fucking opening

    You used the Italian opening personally my most hated opening to play with or against in chess it’s so annoying

    For anybody wandering the opening is the "Wayward Attack"

    "best player I know"
    him: doesn't even set the board correctly before starting the game

    Black pieces are supposed to be on 7 and 8.

    Took all that time to learn the scholars mate lol

    I studied hard! I studied long! I studied…. until I knew the scholars mate! The like first east opening you learn

    Nope this guy would never fall for solar's mate.

    You don't know chess if you fall for the scholar Mate.
    Cringe af

    Not the "too easy" Isaiah gonna be thinking about that for days

    Was that a 4 move checkmate😂😂😂😂

    him getting scholars mated as the best chess player she knows is a joke right lol

    half asleep rn read the title as “cheese prodigy”

    Bruh, scholar's mate? If this was fake for time's sake, sure ig

    If u didn’t play chess
    Just know this is bullshit

    Your dumb friend fell for the scholar's mate. You literally climbed a molehill and called it mount grand master.

    This is like beating a paraplegic in a 100-meter dash. "Learning everything" about chess will take you a lifetime, and still you are only dipping the waters. Love the millennials thinking watching a 15-minute "how to" on youtube is considered "putting everything into it".

    Best chess player I know ?? Bro no one falls for that lame a$$ trick and that takes 4 minutes to learn I was doing this to my friend when I was 5

    Brooooooo…… Scholar mate seriously ???? Chesss prodigy ??????? Seriously, dude I liked the beginning because I thought she was really competitive and really enjoying to learn a new skill in short laps of time but then the end….. Just sad to take chess player for dummies and just lie about learning a new skill when it’s just a 4 moves game. 😢😅

    Wow he’s such a pro he opposed all 3 of your moves 🤯

    Trained so hard to beat the immature with a basic fool's mate lol

    rofl, every true chess player is raging at all the inaccuracies of this videos

    this is possibly the worst and most retarded short i've seen

    Isaiah is about to become the next world champion

    Her saying too easy
    Is giving me aghhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Is this supposed to be satire?

    Cause if it is, you aren't funny,
    And if it isn't, then you're a clown.

    Did you just scholars mate this man😂

    “Had to play the best chess player i knew”

    His rating: 200

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