I Didn’t Expect This 10-Year-Old Kid To Be THIS Good…

This was Round 3 of a blitz tournament I played in Menorca, Spain. Hope you enjoy the video!!

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#annacramling #chess #irl

%1$ Comments142

    A difficult game for you but shows how tough the competition is and no one should be under estimated. Hope you get well soon ❤

    Have been missing your videos. Hope you feel better soon!

    I look at it this way. Anyone playing would have to have the thinking of winning a few to many games. A person would have to have, I would believe, some high rating to be in the tournament. Another thing playing a young person like him, they would result in random moves than stay to a single or two type of moves. Hope you better on your cold or virus.

    He looked at you 4:23 Anna. At a single point you can go from one step ahead to one behind !

    at 0:40 the guy in the green shirt sees Anna, sees the camera… he knows what's up.

    at 0:40 the guy in the green shirt sees Anna, sees the camera… he knows what's up.

    me agrado el final, ya me parecia raro verte tan seria en toda la partirda. un video sin la sonrisa de Anna no es un vídeo de Anna

    me agrado el final, ya me parecia raro verte tan seria en toda la partirda. un video sin la sonrisa de Anna no es un vídeo de Anna

    I think when I was 10 years old I was still working on my strategy of tying my shoes.
    Really fun and impressive. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

    I think when I was 10 years old I was still working on my strategy of tying my shoes.
    Really fun and impressive. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

    That was fun to watch! Tell me Anna, what if he had taken your pawn with his queen?

    That was fun to watch! Tell me Anna, what if he had taken your pawn with his queen?

    Vaya… niños, de verdad, estos días ya no se pueden subestimar…

    The way he demonstratively stopped the clock with 2 seconds left to avoid flagging in a losing position was awesome! Kid will go a long way!

    The final position was a mate in 14 btw

    Another great video. Confession to make. I love this channel! Okay, yes you’re beautiful! Umm, I was never taught chess. But I’m a lifelong professional musician and there are odd parallels that connect in a strange way that I connect to. A highly learned skill that when improvised is like whack a mole in your mind. In other words. I can see the joy you derive from it.

    Love this format. Keep them coming and get better!

    He had no hesitation in sitting down opposite her. He was very confident.

    Did you end with the fella playing The Cow with black? He at least went e6 and d6.

    i'm really impressed with the children that I see on YouTube. I love the one with the creator of Chessley and this little boy is one of my most favorite Youtube's and these kids are so wonderful. They're so well-behaved they're so sweet… I don't play chess. I want to. I've listened to Bobby Fisher's biographies. I've loved them when I was younger. I love looking for Bobby Fisher. The film and I love the Magnus documentary. I have a copy of that.

    This new songs makes the games so intense

    I see you can't estimate an opponent's strength based on age. Great to see the very young kids in these tournaments. And the comradery and graciousness that you express during every game is inspirational.

    At first I thought that Andrea was commenting…. Get well soon.

    If I remember correctly I think after c6 does theory not state that you should play Bh6, trade the bishops then play hxg6 and Qh6 to attack his king?

    "this is a kings Indian" funny playing against an Indian kid

    You should be ashamed of yourself, beating up on a little kid!

    You know you're in trouble when the 10 year old opponent starts adjusting their pieces before the game

    Sick? it sounded like you ate a couple live frogs along with a big slice of lemon Marange pie.

    Yes please, more videos from this tournament would be awesome. Very interesting, educational, and fun to watch. Thanks!!

    Love to see more matches. You make so many new friends each match. Chess princess

    5:16 Aren't you just trapping his knight? Nd5/Na2 Kb1? Horsey can't go anywhere? Edit: Oh you did it later.

    This has been the only game (and sport) I have played in life that a kid can be my opponent and not only that but usually be the scariest opponent. It is a weird feeling for sure.

    "I looked at my 10 years old opponent and wasnt very intimidated"
    Anna, you really should know better than that XD
    But a very good game nonetheless, half expected this to be another one of those 'I lost to a 4th grader' stories

    Lovely series Anna. Even for non chess players like me.

    She was smart not to underestimate that kid. Great job exploiting that open diagonal with the queen and knight.

    Congrats, Anna. A win is a win. It usually never pays to underestimate an opponent. You are getting better at time management. I thought you did a pretty good job of analyzing his game. I always want to see more of your games.

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