I Gave Stockfish 2 Amazons

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%1$ Comments158

    How can i play against stockfish with this pieces?

    At the end why is the Amazon not taking the light square bishop? Anyone knows?

    I liked it! Whats the thing you used?

    I'd like to see this with the actual ability to promote

    I'd love to see a video of you playing king of the kill. Maybe spice things up by weakening your side, and play KotH against Martin, or strengthen his side.

    Don't forget the Amazon can checkmate without help.

    Btw that is not an amazon it's an… Well not an amazon

    1:22 it's funny how you go from master to 500 elo not seeing a check anymore once you sprinkle in a new piece your pattern recognition doesn't know how to deal with xD

    may I know how can you give stockfish amazon since there are no "amazons" in real chess?

    Chess always ends in a draw when played perfectly

    YOU GAVE STOCKFISH TWO WHOLE AMAZONS? Dang Jeff Bezzos must be jealous

    i want you to make a video on MacLeod Attack plz. I have won many games with this opening

    That's not the right piece image for an amazin, it should be a knight with a crown. What you have there is a combination of knight and bishop.

    But…….. this is the shape of an arch bishop the amazons shape is a knight with a queen crown on its head .

    Be interesting to see a full "proper" game where both sides play with an Amazon instead of a queen

    If you think this piece is annoying, try to play against one camazon (i dont really know the name). It moves like an amazon+camel

    It not Amazon Bruhh….It's are Archbishops

    How did you make custom chess piece in lichens?!!!

    Is there a Canon you can play against?

    How did you access the fairy pieces? I’m confused

    Are you gonna say where you're even playing???

    That it look more like arch-bishop than amazon

    you got confused by their shape and forgot it is check😂

    Giving the Knight the power of the Queen is a disaster, combined Bishop and Rook is already powerful enough

    I think if you had known in advance about the lack of promotion rule and so not wasted time pushing that pawn, you would have had a much better shot.

    Not found of imaginary pieces not in the real game.

    Do a Rematch against the Level 25 Chess engine

    I am still a chess purest but i still like these videos with all these "new pieces" 😂

    Play atomic Chess agains Marti but he has 3queens

    Hey Nelson, that was fun. Where did you play it? What's the site? Looks like lichess but it's not. Can't seem to find it so easily.

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