I didn’t even know this could be a thing…

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4:49-12:35 7 Mistakes to Learn from

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%1$ Comments55

    Opinion: blunders are unexpected like brilliants

    [Plays a blunder]Task failed successfully!

    How can you make a speculative move (!?)

    Not to be confused with dubious move or inaccuracy (?!)

    A forced move would technically be a brilliant because you would lose the game if you didn’t make that move.

    I can't believe he won against someone with a higher elo than him. Dam, ur skilled

    How do you see these little “great” or “brilliant” moves while playing?

    I can’t believe that sacrificing the knight on the missed pawn move was the idea but stockfish said in accuracy

    wow u showed me that even 2k rated players make innacuracies and mistakes. thought it was just me

    Hey just a question how do you get the orange/green arrow or the red thing the red is like when you click on the pieces like how?

    Me: struggles to get a brilliant move
    Him: gets all within this vid

    Можешь на русском не понятно

    My fav youtuber played someone I met multiple times

    all of us 400 elos get all of these except for brilliant.

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