I Got Paired Against A GRANDMASTER!!!!!

This was Round 4 of a blitz tournament I played in Menorca, Spain. Hope you enjoy the video!!

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments180

    Just to get an idea of why he's not looking much at the board and taking his time with moves, him playing her is like a 1.5k player playing a 500-1000 rating player. You don't have to bother much and the win comes naturally

    What a charmer! Did he even speak!?🤦🏽‍♀️

    He probably has a girlfriend or he could be gay and or as probably knows who Anna is and does not want to give up free air time to her. Maybe not having a good day. We are all going to seem grumpy here sitting across from joyous Anna.

    In the 80s in Romania the Grandmasters played only in closed tournaments or in team matches. In such a team match I was able to play against a GM. I managed to draw with
    perpetual check but then I lost to all IM or FM. Thank you for the video, it was instructive!

    But I will say (by the way I could post the game on here)…that the GMs et al are good at getting a positional pressure then winning the end game etc….They all do that. He was looking up to kind of "see" the board. You did well I get wiped out by many many players every day online far weaker than him so that is no thing. Study your game. His choice of opening was tricky. You thus found it hard to go into a system….I sometimes find I play better if I don't know the opening as often nor does my opponent. But the GMs etc know a lot of lines….

    He didn't want distractions. He came to destroy.

    I played a Danish GM in RD 1 of a local (NZ) tournament and gained the advantage — it was a standard game — but he spent a lot of time and his time kept dropping to less than 3 minutes and then less than 2 seconds etc…I couldn't offer a draw, he knew he was lost in effect, but I fantasized some fantastic idea he might have, and made a quick move…then his game was easier….not winning but I had lost the big edge….I played the Rubinstein against 1 c4 and he went for a b4 idea as White…He was good about the game, he won, but it was an experience. Very exciting even though I lost….

    I’ve played many grandmasters. Just never in chess. You have what he doesn’t….”IT” Your ……

    Just after the handshake, which he initiates, and moving his chair back it looks like he has a small smile and looks towards Anna for contact, he looks up again at 0:33 after putting his phone down but Anna is staring off into the distance or at the camera both times and not open to a chat. Sets the tone.

    Whoever is choosing the music, you are giving me heart problems!

    he doesn't seem like a very nice guy, yikes — sorry not sorry

    Lots commenting on the "weaK" handshake. I watched it in slow motion, and he was the first to extend his hand, even before he sat down. That certainly seems like a polite gesture and friendly enough, but he also seemed to release first after hardly any contact. That seemed a little dismissive. What do you all think of ny take on it?

    4:25 "Do I move my bishop or do I move my knight?"
    Stockfish said you should have moved your bishop.
    I think this was the beginning of the end for you.

    Just trying to get out of 1700 I can appreciate a grandmaster's mental prowess.

    There are at least 2 billion people smarter on Earth than this Fernandez , so nothing justify his superior comportment.

    He didn't bring you some food or a drink maybe at the start at the game? And where was the obligatory 10min post game debrief?? Very rude!!

    I played against Jon Speelman in a simul when he came to my school's chess club (I think I was about 11 years old). Of course I lost bit I lasted the longest, which counts for something,right?

    I have played against a GM, I tried to attack, but it got nowhere, and I lost. Similar story when I played an IM.

    This is why I avoid the championship/open sections. There's a reason why there are rating sections e.g. reserve/booster, championship/open sections, or open, U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, etc. Saw Alex score 8.5/9 at the Sardinia chess festival in the U2000 section (Open B). A sub 2200 competes in a field of senior masters, GMs, and super GMs wouldn't stand a chance. I wouldn't even think of competing in open sections of any USCF event, or any OTB event back in my high school years. That game was hard to watch as he easily exploited every mistake she made and became a one sided game.

    That music is making me hide under the bed!

    i loved the format, the analysis, the commentary on your thoughts and feelings, hated the voice 😛

    why are chess handshakes so wimpy. grip that shit lol

    When I look up while playing chess, I'm not thinking–I'm praying for divine guidance.

    It is a blitz game. People act like it is speed dating

    These GM’s and young players to me so often seem nonchalant as if they had better things to do. You on the other hand get panicked a little and frantic as to the next move . He was too relaxed and not worried like little kids so often do looking around. Just a GM thing I guess. Enjoyed it and always rooting for you to win . Thanks.

    That guy played his part perfectly. By both image and personality, the word 'chess' is synonymous with 'competitive introvert', and the name 'Anna Cramling' with 'charming extrovert who makes chess interesting and fun'. Thanks!

    this comment section's wild: some defending the GM guy while nobody thought about harassing him, others saying they never lost against GMs

    The BIG question is: WHAT did you learn from this ???????????????? …………. enjoy

    ANNA made quick moves (loved it anyhow).

    to be fair. i would be the worst chess player. I am here to play chess then gone.

    Please post some of your covid videos. Dancing for scool

    it's called class, you either have it or you don't, clearly he doesn't

    I've never even SEEN a GM. I was never rated, but played around 18-1900. About 30 years ago I played a NM (2200+) a 5 hour game in a Air Force Base regional tournament. We got down to pawns and a King. After the game, he showed me a King move that would have gotten me a draw. Even though I lost the game, it was the best game I ever played. I am now 72… my game started going downhill at about 45. Back in my day, GMs were like rock gods… no YouTube, no internet, just pictures in magazines. Nowadays on YouTube, GMs seem to be a-dime-a-dozen. But I haven't lost my bearings, I KNOW how big they are. Hats-off to all who show up here. YouTube for President! Thanks Anna.

    Daniel did not let his guard down and let Anna play the Flirt Sacrifice strategy which is deadly for males over 13

    Veramente impressionante la qualità di gioco del GM Fernandez.

    Good demonstration of how strong GMs are. It looked like all of your moves were quite logical, but they so easily somehow get a dominant position

    I've never played a grandmaster but I have been absolutely crushed by two different IMs.

    Anna great for the game, win or lose. Keep posting 😎

    I played against a grandmaster on kung-fu for the nes, he whooped me with a stick!😅

    Anna you played one heck of a game don't let this discourage you at all this is just something you can learn from. Plus don't forget that you have faced Grandmasters like Aman before and won so the gifts and graces for you to get to the next level are there.

    I was confused as I've taken pictures of Daniel when he was a kid and thought he was Singaporean. Then I looked up Google aand his father was Singaporean and he was born in England but lived in Singapore for most of his life but went back in England for studies.

    That's some boa constrictor stuff right there…

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