I hate this lady

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%1$ Comments180

    When a man says he hates a woman it's because he wants to stuff her like a turkey but knows he cant so eventually someone else will get the job done.

    I thought Andrea was the oldest for some reason 😂

    Why are there so many simps in the comments

    Damn boo you had to retire from playing chess, that's rough. What are you like 38ish?, must be rough in the chess world. Been working blue collar all my life, was a jarhead before that. No retirement in sight for a tree trimmer like me except the good Ole 70 cent solution at age 60 if my hands still work, but you got it rough as shit Ole son.

    Says a random dense as a woman who can’t tell this is all a joke 👆👆👆👆🖕🏾

    Call this man Pdiddy since he aint afraid to beat woman on camera (in chess, ofc)

    Love this comment section, especially the crinfe pin of shame!

    I just learned that there are chess baddies out in the world somewhere and I like it

    Retired? From a board game?????? Riiiiight…

    Is levy becoming like Bobby Fischer? I hate this woman!?

    Gotham chess is retired ? lol he probably retired early because he’s scared of getting beat by a tiny little girl with a gremlin personality 😂🎉🎉🎉 Gotham chess isn’t even viable in the chess community he literally just pairs people up against each other because he’s too weak …. Just promote the guy to referee or something … talkin smack !! Gotham ain’t shit and Andrea is harlequin my QUEEN ( haha because it’s chess right ?)

    I’d like to play a little 2 on 1 chess with those ladies 😂😂😂😂

    I hope Andrea knows Levy would absolutely destroy her with just some basic fighting training

    Most beautiful girl I ever seen sorrrrry my man!!!

    Has anyone told you, you look and sound like an American Harry Potter?

    Oh you "hate" her oh so much Gotham, sure 😂

    Back when I was in HS, i was in a chess club. There was a girl in there that was really cute and i had a bit of a crush on her. So one day i just said as a joke, "I beat you and I get to take you out on a date." Mind you, she was the best chess player there and ive never beaten her, ever. Long story short, I 'magically' won that day and now we are about to get married. I think she let me win cause ive never beaten her since…

    I am definitely not going to click any links of yours

    hate is a harsh word.. just kidding 😅✌️

    Check the description if you can’t this is what I said
    I might quit but l'll stream tomorrow tell me if I should make some different videos because I used to do reactions and other gaming vids

    He’s never fight her cause obviously he would use his Hogwarts education

    "So I had beef with this one girl and called her older sister to shut her up."

    Two talentless thawts. Take away the makeup and the tits and you have nothing.

    Levy u are giving me some big vsauce vibes. Explain urself

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