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%1$ Comments444

    Why hasnt he covered magnus absutgddtyav game yet?…those games were super crazy…

    You don't get between a man and his dog.

    So, nothing to do with their connections to the CIA gain of functions operations?, you got a dumb dog!?

    Buddy Buckets makes me think “Air Bud”

    So so close to 4 million subscribers gotham

    Вы давно уехали из России?

    Of course he sacrificed the ROOOOOOOOOK agaisnt his own dog

    Is that 1600 in dog Elo, or human Elo?

    Oh well, just as cute, if not not so very creative a name.

    Actually Levi missed mate in 2 after Qb7 while levi played against benji😢 .

    This is why Levi is not a GM, but a chess streamer😂

    Im assuming Benji's perk is sacrifing the RROOOOOOOK whenever he gets the chance.

    Levy, when could we again see your analysis of historical games. We miss your explanations of moves that were important at the time and still are, even with our unpleasant machine-friends. Keep up the great work. Don't waste energy on trolls who can't even motivate themselves.

    petition to make benji one elo higher than levy bot

    Buddy buckets from the bud movies .talking dog movies

    bruh i played benji and on the 2nd move benji blundered the queen LMAO

    That ..Bb4 move in the first game is like a dog who barks for no reason. The best dogs need a reason to bark. This way you know wass up.

    so how does benji scale, is it every in against him he gains one elo, or is it a weird agrothym for all wins, losses and draws

    I beat the crap out of benji I’m so happy that’s ur dog

    Idk how to feel about his dog being higher rated than me

    I know to some this isn’t impressive but, since I started watching your game films, my elo went from 450 to eclipse 900 yesterday! 🎉

    12:22 “I really dont mean to beat you, at chess”
    Does that mean you want to beat him in other circumstances?🤨🤨🤨🤨

    If u keep playing your dog and letting him win it will increase his rating

    thiS gUy HaD rOok a4 LiKe tHrEe mOves iN a Row, dIdn’T eVeN SeE iT

    As a Jimmy fan…it is slanderous that Levi was quicker to associate Buddy Buckets with Jimmy Buckets than Air Bud, who is twice the player Jimmy ever could be

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