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%1$ Comments444

    Weird note: Benji's flavor text sometimes shows up in later games against other bots.
    "Dad gives me a treat every time I move the little toy forward. I still don't know why…"
    – Elena, Elementary School Chess Club Coach Bot.

    Imagine if they played the Karo and he saw that dialogue

    V. Ponchik, (without knowing who is playing), after R:h7?!, R:h7; Q:g6+, Kd8; with the two bishops and a rook behind an outside passed pawn: Objectively, black has a pretty good position, and possibly a won game. [IMHO]

    benji looks like an Oreo bruh I would EAT HIM UP!

    After Benji-bot improves a bit more you gotta do Gotham-bot vs Benji-bot.

    22:13 When I lose 3 pawns, I can now tell myself I “sacrificed them for development”. Yeah, that’s exactly what I did.

    That's exactly how speed runs are done by the streamers…

    I got beat by Gotham chess dog. That’s how bad I am.

    Didn’t get all 3 starts until my 4th attempt lmao

    I’m new though. I’m learning 😂😂

    I’ve been watching GothamChess for a long time and I only found out he even owned a dog yesterday when he had him in a video

    Pin me for no reason… don’t question it, just do it

    12:20 Gotham only doesn't like beating his dog in chess. He's fine with it irl?!

    How is your dog training going, More than one move is quite substantial

    Here before Levy hits 4 million subscribers!!

    Syka blyat rush E

    Do do do do do do doodododo, do do do

    I am so new to chess that my rating is less than Benji's. I gotta learn how to speak dog to learn from him.

    Levy hung his knight for an entire 2 or 3 moves in the first game. against the weakest bot! lmao
    but it didn't take it 🙁

    Pretty sure Buddy Buckets is supposed to be the dog from Air Bud. 2002 flick.

    after 1 miute my almost 3 mothns old dog ate 2 fries and 1 chicken nugget🤣my dog even went to the kitchen and its now still eating![probaly if anyone sees this she is not eating]

    Wondering if the Benji bot has a response programmed for "THE ROOOOOOK!!!"

    Americans maniac obsession with dogs is a sign of a sick society

    Gotham also beats dogs? Is there anyting Levi won't beat???

    Lichess would never betray you like that

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