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%1$ Comments444

    @Gothamchess Wait until Benji is higher rated and the let him play against ponchik

    Explain me someone how all of this thing about him being captive started

    Buddy buckets is for AirBud the basketball playing golden.

    Can someone explain all the references to Gotham being captured and kidnapped? I am returning to gothamchess and agadmator after a year away.

    It’s Air Bud…Buddy Buckets is Air Bud….SMH

    Congratulations For 4m
    Seeing this at 3.99m

    Omg dog dad? Make a child you noob, you are a millionaire not like you can't afford it

    Gotham chess has clearly gone to the dogs.

    Levi: this move is so bad, it's the kind of move my dog benji would play.
    Also levi: how dare they rate my dog so low?

    Oh so levy is now the lowest player in the household

    Benji went up 100 ELO 1 hour after the release of this video.

    Can you do a guess the elo of some old chess game bots like Battle Chess for the nes or Sega chess for Sega?

    "Am I doing the mating? I can't tell." – Levy Rozman, 2023

    I love that Gotham wants to play Benji urgently but ends up promoting four knights.

    it's wishbone and air bud, your pop culture for dogs sucks.

    Just beat Benji at 1642, hopefully he overtakes Ponchik!!

    How I know you are younger than me… you don't know that Buddy Buckets is a reference to Air Bud. The dog whole plays all sports.

    i dont like being lower rated than this guys dog😂,

    OKAY ! Imma start playing only Benji now. Gotta train that good boy to be the strongest of them all (one day)

    Me, seeing that each passing day, Benji is getting stronger and stronger: It's going to be a second part, right?

    I spent some years in southeast Asia. Here's what I can say is almost certainly true about the real Benji. Delicious.

    Haha very entertaining 😂
    I was sooo proud to beat Buddy today, but after watching this I’m not sure I should be 😅
    Well, I am a beginner with a rating of 587 so I’m still pretty proud ☺️

    Awwww Benji is so cute. I love your vids even more now. I adore dogs

    Wow! These kidnappers let him stay in his replica room for Four days in a row? Hell I’d let them kidnap me

    Video idea how to be a goat at chess and then you change the acronym to something stupid

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