I Hired a Chess Master to Secretly Destroy My Friends

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#ludwig #gothamchess #chess

%1$ Comments607

    I remember skeppy doing this exect video idea about a year ago

    "Its good to last 30 seconds" – Levy, the art of suspicious

    No disrespect to levy. I watch his stuff and learn from it myself, and I think he's a great player, but to call him one of the best in the world, when he's not even a GM, is a bit of an overstatement.
    I get that "one of" is a very subjective term, and I obviously don't have the knowledge to determine his skill level by watching him play. It's possible he's just as good as, or even better than most GM's, and just haven't gotten the title yet, but still. Credit where credit is due.

    One of the best chess players in the world btw, IM btw 😂😭

    Gotham just casually says queen H1 is mate by the way and it's just murder😂

    For those who don't get the "No there's nothing in my ass" joke.

    There was a chess cheater who cheated using vibrating an@l beads

    Gotham must have giggle a little bit when he said "one of the best players in the world" 😀

    "He got me. I think Ludwig played calm cool and collected"

    So that’s why I can’t beat your bot, it’s damn levy

    someone in the chat said "get levy to coach you" 💀💀💀

    Unfortunately that is how good cheaters are these days. You play against a lower rated player and they beat you, you analyze and you see blunders all over the place. I do understand that sometimes they're just having a great day

    Not one of the best players, there are many GM's and super GM's and IM's and FM

    I couldn’t imagine levy cursing till today 💀

    i already beat your bot so ez

    I started thinking that this was Gotham's channel

    I am a 2900 and Ludwig thinks 1600 is alot

    It's so awesome. Levy is helping out small youtubers such as Ludwig. Hopefully, u can make it over 300k subscribers

    Damn maybe we can get another video but this time levy coaches lud with anal beads. If grandmasters do it its worth a try imo

    No hate: but cheating and telling others not to cheat is a double standard. Wouldn't it be better not to cheat in the first place?

    16:30 chat " please ask levy to coach you"
    Meanwhile levy in the back helping Lud
    Epic the chat even fell for it

    theres totally i did a things thing in his ass

    "Please ask coach Levy to teach you" Heehee he doesn't know

    The fact a dude in chat said “ASK LEVY TO TEACH YOU” was funny

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