I Hired a Chess Master to Secretly Destroy My Friends

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#ludwig #gothamchess #chess

%1$ Comments607

    You know you could have just used a chrome extension 💀

    16:28 if you pause correctly someone said "PLEASE ASK LEVY TO COACH YOU"

    Stanz is so chill after "throwing" completely winning games it makes me feel bad for him.

    its been two weeks Lud!! Pwease pwease post a vid

    Anyone else just listen to the halo theme in the background

    No post in 2 week, lud alive? (Me speak simple so smooth brain can understand)

    I was watching an episode of Monk, and they referenced "the poison pawn." Can anyone explain what that is..

    Levy just took over over the video. It isn't even Luds video anymore

    Stans but erase the t and the name actually fits

    yo lud that denim jacket w the beige sleeves is fire

    I’m so so sorry for all the women that had to get through this horrifying experience. May it never happen again

    0:40 only people that watched the game and the thing that was placed in someone's a**hole will know what he meant

    This isn’t what I expected to find when I searched “Ludwig Destroys Stanz”


    Also someone told him to play levy lmao

    Yoooo colab with Atrioc he’s trending for some reason

    "before you ask, there's nothing in my ass"
    i understood that reference

    I think I’ve been gaslit, but did you take down the bros vs pros with levy having no queen?

    “It’s good to last 30 seconds, I guess” Thanks for that empowering quote

    Levi getting excited for the comeback was beautiful 🤣

    Or u could get a phone fight mittens with his move and copy mittens

    Really weird hearing Levy swear and it not being a quack

    Isint this exactly wat skeppy did…
    awsome video anyways!

    Why did Lud just delete his last video with Tarik?

    its good to last 30 seconds the wise man says

    After playing lots of losing games with mittens I can see the mistakes. Still cant beat mittens the cat.

    bro saying Stanz can beat you up is embarrassing… Stanz can’t fight ma boy😭😂

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