I Hired a Chess Master to Secretly Destroy My Friends

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#ludwig #gothamchess #chess

%1$ Comments607

    After watching the video there is definitely something in his ass

    bruh even my tuition teacher's rating is 2000 lol

    I don’t Recall Asking for this video, but it’s a good vid 🙂

    "Are they both cheating each other?" is great

    So to you patzers out there- don’t worry if a 1600 is higher rated than you. (Much much higher is my guess lol) they suck. I’m only 2000 and I suck badly. It’s just I know how much I suck and most of you think you’re good 👊😉

    The two comments I saw in the chat

    This video is just brilliant

    fantastic insight into the psychology behind f&%king up

    He sacrificed HIS FRIENDSHIPS by summoning levy to obliterate

    That end game on the last game is deff not @ladwig playing

    Repent to Jesus Christ “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    The fact levy uses an an engine on top of being much stronger.. cheating while cheating

    “There’s a lot of brilliancies against eachother” …. relax children you’re 800 rated you get 0 brilliancies

    Anyone know why is rating is so low for what he knows? Im not trying to make a dig but I'm a 1200 rated player and don't know any openings. I just figured you only need to care about opening if you were 1500 ish

    16:29 in chat, someone asks for lud to get levy to coach him, how ironic

    I thought that levy does not say bad words but its ok

    hahahaha, the ass cheating joke was golden

    Someone in the chat said “you should get Levy to coach you” yah he was 😭

    idk i got a feeling there’s something in his ass

    I wanted to watch ludwigs new 1v1 with tarik but its age restricted 🙁

    Wait, isn't that what hans allegedly did and people fucked him up.

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