I Hired a Chess Master to Secretly Destroy My Friends

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#ludwig #gothamchess #chess

%1$ Comments607

    i watched this live and now that i know lud was cheating its even better

    "It's good to last 30 seconds, I guess." Phrasing, Levy.

    I wish there was a rook sacrifice so we could hear it 😥😥

    at 10:56 if i am correct if stanz moved queen to f5 with queen then tried to proceed with knight to e5 then taken the rook then the bishop would take the rook then he could have used his queen to retake the bishop that would have been the play to make lud try to trade almost am i correct in that?

    reminds me of that time when technoblade teamed up with skeppy but too bad cuz hes dead

    Does levy help based on his knowledge or just reads it off the engine?

    When I saw that one person in chat screaming in all caps for Ludwig to ask Levy to coach him I burst out laughing given the actual scenario 🤣

    Sorry I don't know if I missed something but people keep saying ludwig wasn't talented just because he got some help, but may I remind you not only did he understand each play after being told it most likely one time, but on top of that you also have to remember ludwig was playing for most of the games until he actually needed the help.

    Thankfully, the anal beads didn't fall off during the match.

    Ludwig: All with the help from one of the best creators
    Me: aww yes Gotham controls the vibrating butt plug
    Ludwig: nothings in my butt.
    Me: damn 😅

    It's good to last 30 seconds 😌 ☺ 😊 👌

    15:01 its an INCREDIBLE coincidence that a guy in the chat asked ludwig to get coaches by Levy himself 😂

    I really love the reference to I did a thing at the beginning

    I love the “are they cheating against eachOTHER?!”

    Stop pretending like you care about not just your own content. But caring about others struggles. You turned your back on Every one you said you cared about and became YouTube's number one slut. You veiwbate and put no heart into your content. Your a part of the machine. Your of a dying breed. And you know it. Your on the verge of becoming irrelevant. Stop trying so hard to maintain your meger sadboy audience. Your desperate and cringe.

    This is my own opinion. If you don't agree then that's fine, I think lud as a person is great and I'm sure you are all great too! I just don't like his behavior and content lately. A creator i have massive respect for got shafted by YouTube and reached out to lud because he fought for people like this in the past. According to him Ludwig refused to help. Of course their will never be a full true side to either persons story. I just think that lud has betrayed the community he used to defend.

    One of the best players in the world-GothamChess…

    Actually super entertaining. But every 45 seconds ad's is way too much…

    "It's good to last 30 seconds…"
    -GothamChess at 6:28
    ayoooo 🤨

    He’s not one of the best chess players in the world he’s just an im

    Lmao is there even one thing ludwig is good at ON HIS OWN

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