I Played A Different Chess Bot EVERY MOVE (2nd Attempt!)
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Very cool
You should do this in reverse (start with the beginner and go up) but with the caveat that you can't take during the beginner bots and you can only take with pawns during the intermediate bots so you really have to play it safe until the advanced bots.
That's very creative bro!! Keep it up…loved it❤
Awsome video but you played some bots multiple times
I think it is a cool challange, but knowing the eval is a bit too much of an advantage.
how about reverse the order
but the rules are you must reach the last bot
Try the same but from Martin to hardest bot
may I ask how to get this setting?
This was awesome, if you do this again you should put the bots in a randomiser and then each turn gets played by a random bot. And once the bot has played they can't play again.
he had to swap bots to be able to beat martin
I did the challenge and got to intermediate
Im able to beat bots with 300-400+ rating than mine, what does that mean?
I understand that when playing vs a bot there's no clock so I feel more relax so maybe thats the answer…
Anyway my rating flows between 900-1000 right now but I can defeat the 1200 bot no problem and Im close to get a win vs the 1500 one.
Maybe if I grind a bit more I could potentialy reach 1200-1300? is that my real rating?
or bots just suck a bit?
Is Morphy not on iOS or something? Don’t see him for me
Please can I have a pin its my time
“Arjun” is pronounced “urjoon”
Congrats on the win Nelson
25:40 wow! Indonesian bot!
32:38 Malaysian bot! Hmmm🤔🤔
35:24 bishop to f8 is also a checkmate for white,The Chess Vibes even didn't notice that one of 3 ways checkmated.
Just for information, the name "Isla" is pronounced "Eye-la" (I have a niece with that name).
How do you switch the bots every move?
You did a 'Ding' there!
How do you change the bot without changing the position??
Had to come back I was watching a blunder festival some may have seen…. Suddenly I wondered, how many pieces can you sacrifice before you get mated or stalemate?
May be easier than I think? Doubtful, it’s not like my pawn is safely marching past other pawns to slay the Queen or a Knight.
I think this would be great irl
I was a 1600 and ever since I’ve watched your vids I lost 600 elo thanks a lot.
(It was a joke
why don't you do this the other way around? like starting from the beginner bots to try and gain an advantage, and work your way up the higher bots to see if you can still keep that advantage? to make it harder maybe start from nelson, otherwise you might win before the more advanced bots get to play.
holy sit
Loving these switching the bot challenges please make more! I do think you shouldn't play the bots with the same elo however. For example after playing a 2300 bot skip the next 2300 and go straight to whatever the next lowest elo bot is. And if you get all the way to Martin just go back to the master bots.
Hey. Nelson …….i would suggest u to play against vishy boat …….. vishwanath anand. ……as I am from india …. watching yr videos since 2 years……….,..as a student
Nelson always makes the best video
I think this should be a series. I love it!😂
This was actually a really nice video idea!
Go Nelson!
You should do easy bots to hard. Bots
I wonder if you could end up doing hand brain for this
Challenge idea you play martin but every other move martin switches off with stockfish
15:36 idk if I'm being crazy but what if black played rook e5 after pawn takes bishop takes and rook will die winning the pawn
Hikaru bot be like "And if I trade and I take, takes, take, take, take, take, queen c2, king there… I'm just gonna castle, I don't want to think too much"
I am glad to see old friend Martin. Every bot have some moves. Well done and maby is sefer bring king in the midle.
Music louder next time? Could almost hear your commentary
+25 bots
you played wesley so two times
Why the annoying music
Awesome game. Next you should do the same thing but start with Martin and end with the hardest bot
2 STEPS FORWARD, 1 STEP BACK CHALLENGE: Pretty self explanatory, must move two pieces forwards, and then one piece backwards. No lateral moves allowed (so no castling).
I tried and its surprisingly challenging
Man, this video is lame…