I Played An Undercover Chess GRANDMASTER
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Levy didn’t you play this guy in the first round of Madrid Tournament?
No fide board
levy might lose his job as inventory manager if he keeps fighting general managers
Purple board best board
My preschooler: Brown is BORING, Green is pretty!
Blue ice board 😍
U got lucky thats it.
Link to the channel does not work
Practically every "undercover grandmaster" game ends with the grandmaster stomping the unsuspecting park/pub player and then we all laugh at the poor outclassed schlub that thought they were hot stuff.
I guess that doesn't work when the schlub is an IM.
Also, I want to see Tyler1 play in a park, because I can't even being to imagine the sh*ttalk from that game.
If you had olayer rook e1 he would not have accepted the knight sacrifice so dont stress
hey the link to tomas' channel doesnt work
Levy your weakness of time management has been your greatest strength this is a great precursor to the tournament as you’ve always been behind on time. It is like the less time and more pressure you have, you perform out of expectation and it is amazing watching you. “Says the low rated player” with this level of play During sudden death you could sacrifice 20 minutes and still just be fine.
If you guys are wondering, Levy also beat Thomas at the official Madrid tournament game. 😊
What a game!!!
For future reference the title was I Played An Undercover Chess GRANDMASTER
Brown board please…
Mikhail Tal would still be proud of you.
"There are three types of sacrifices. The good ones, that bad ones. And mine."
“Chaos is a ladder” – Littlefinger
One day Leyvie will abandon representing the nation of Isle of Man and succeed in becoming a grandmother
Finally content not in a tournament
LEVI SHAVE! loved the vid❤
Hi channel is not working
Good sport and time – by the way, the tournament rules of blitz specify that it's the opponent's obligation to point out that his adversary has run out of time. Nobody else can do it, and if the player fails to notice and the game goes on and he loses, even though his opponent has run out of time, it still counts as a valid win. In classical chess, it's another matter entirely – there the arbiter can stops the game if one of the players runs out of time.
Everyone in the world are GM excerpt Levy 😬
Green and brown boards aren't good for colourblind people to see red highlights. I like the light wooden board as it's fine for seeing all the highlight colours.
That "Ladies and gentlemen" is permanent ❤❤
E gotham nub:D
I wonder if he’s gonna talk about his patreon
i think brown board, it's just easier and gentler on the eyes
I personally hate the green board
Levy still going strongly for a Genetic Modification.
Epic and exciting game. Nice comeback win !
Levy you can spend you're time outside but you're here playing chess. 😢😢 why
Man how did that guy lose from a winning position..and hes also a gm vs im
Brown is better and is more like a traditional chess board. Green is too funky and looks unprofessional
yo I'm early! loved the vid ❤️
Nice 🎉
He does not look like a chess grandmaster
When will levy be a grandmother? Congrats to levy though
Levy makes his worst moves still seem cool 🤖😭😭😂
4:30 "Why did I do this?" All my chess games summarized
Great game!
Levy’s beard will grow so colossally long it will touch the ground before he becomes GM ( is a good thing prolly 🙃).
I was in Spain many times and never was in a bar with chess. Is it possible that Google Maps recommended this bar to Levy bc it was programmed to find him place that suits him most?
green or blue board is best