I Played An Undercover Chess Master…

This video was recorded last summer in Washington Square Park, NYC. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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%1$ Comments521

    She did NOT like that comment about her beauty being a distraction.

    I played so much that when i closed my eyes i was still seeing an image of the board and squares, has anybody else experinced this .just wondering if its a common thing

    If I come and play , I don't want to be on camera. 3 chances for you to beat me. Multiple handicapping

    Why does her beauty matter to him so much during the game? Isn't this a similar instance where Anna has said in the past where people feel creepy when playing against?

    Also why does he have to learn "How old are you?" in Spanish of all phrases? This guy is sus.

    That guy was creepy af and he talked too much.

    That end game blunder was from your worrying about your time left on the clock… A shame that your QK was stuck in the back defending two back pawns… But the sec you let off the pressure his QR would have come over to push you away from his King (QR to F1)…

    An amzing game, tho I didn't follow most of it. I was watching the board instead of the display at the top. I was more interested in the chatter than the game. It is great to watch experts in action.

    The game was done minute 6:32 if she took the knight with the rook

    Have you seen “farting with eye contact” that’s quality content right there

    As Levy said never open the left side of you king seen is left him in danger
    The Master play it

    As usual, Anna is always willing to show us games that she didn't win, just because they're interesting to us.

    He's definitely a teacher of the sport and if the student listened they will become better

    Gosh, it seems like you're having a great life, meeting all these varied people and playing chess with them.

    He stopped talking, started concentrating and won the game. Anna's really good at pulling her opponents into inane conversations to distract and finally beat them. Think of it as a gunfight, concentrate. If you get distracted you're dead.

    After watching like a dozen of these videos, I realized that I hadn't subbed yet so I had to right that wrong. She's definitely earned it. Very entertaining channel.

    Interesting Chess game ♟️👍🏻👏🏻😁

    Why are women’s titles/ranks seperated from men’s in a game of intellect? This seems to me to be more thsn a little demeaning

    Can somebody tell me who won, I don't understand did somebody get a check made or did somebody run out of time or something?

    Nice to see that bitch get a taste of her own medicine.

    On 6.32 couldnt she take the free knight because the bischop is pinned and cant take bake with Queen??

    Instead of moving your king, moving the knight over next to it and the other knight would have destroyed his surge.
    You could have then moved that same knight up to trap his queen and eventually win the game. 5:27

    I am not a chess player – I never 'got' it – so the banter is amazing, they play chess and chat like old friends.

    Im new to chess however, Anna is beautiful, Witty, and always such a pleasured to watch! Subscribed… 😉

    The fact that he properly plays and clocks with just one hand, as a pro would be used to doing, sorta gives him away.

    She attacked at the end without thinking about her king. Aggressive but costly.

    That was incredible, best game yet! Great job to you both

    support Washington square park sports casual vs mr undercover wants to be a stalk broker – sending the wrong message about completive events mid to long term leads to men that have hair style issues

    The woman uses a distraction strategy by constantly talking and showing her breasts 🙂
    The man has trouble managing his gaze. 🤣🤣

    Anna knows chess is like life…what a great woman..you had good parents and it shows

    That Hungarian Opening is something…he was always retreating to draw you closer in..impressive.

    I can't believe how long they played before any pieces were exchanged! That could have gone either way.

    Wow. This got into unfamiliar territory for me quickly.

    At least he isn’t as cocky as some of her partners, assuming bc she is a young female she will lose.

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