I Played An Undercover Chess Master…

This video was recorded last summer in Washington Square Park, NYC. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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#annacramling #chess #nyc

%1$ Comments521

    With only a five minute chess clock that doesn't leave much time for strategy.

    You lost me a minute in. Stop chatting. Is this a date?

    Anna, you're amazing and I haven't played chess since my mid teens so this is all way beyond me. Twenty years ago I had the opportunity to walk all over Manhattan many times and loved watching the games in that park. A basic thought is if you do like Bobby Fischer did. Bobby said to play chess takes great physical stamina as well, thus Bobby worked out intensely. Do you find the game also very physically demanding and do you exercise intensely too? I was very surprised that guy wasn't overwhelmed by the grand fight you, so young, posed.

    That was really fantastic. You win some, you lose some. Great Game!

    Anna, just letting you know that some men can't put a 100% of their concentration on the game when there are bosoms to glance at and even just trying to avoid to look is a great effort in itself.

    New York City the unflushed toilet bowl of the world

    Дичь какая-то. Всю дорогу треплются. Девушка хватает фигуры и не ходит. В конце просто проворонила атаку, что не удивительно, если болтать вместо игры.

    i love the game and know all the pieces and know how they suppose to move. but i dont know how to swap out the king for the knight or why oh and i have only won one game and he was another first time player. and haven't touched the game since before you was born i'm sure.

    the not-so-sneaky snap shot he took of her cleavage at around 5:33 was the best part of the game🤣

    I don't even play chess- but appreciate + respect the battles here. & the can't judge a book by its cover theme

    rusty master sounds like a very dirty sex move

    Are there really people hired to teach chess? And really 9 hours a day?

    blergh, Rxg2+ at 6:32 seems like a blunder… Rxh3 seems like the way to keep pressure on. Great game nonetheless .. (edit: hmm, white has Qxf6 to even the exchange, not so sure now)

    I wounder where her Spanish genes went… TOTALY SWEDISH …

    the way anna thinks out loud so funny
    an when she shifted her hip to pass gas so sly

    Different often catches people out. The clock decided the match.

    Oh I get it! It’s a hustler if you win and an undercover GM if you lose. Clever!

    Orrr she had a better position just lost because of a stupid mistake

    why do you say how do we do this? Your an excellent player.

    Ah, a good game. This guy was fun to play against, I bet. Winning all the time doesn't teach you as well as losing a few.

    Her play was magnificent. The blunder is a shame but that was a great watch

    This channel is extraordinary, the drama illustrates the chess well enough that as bystander I get feeling of being into it even though I haven't really played since my teens [=~2*y2k – now]. Also, it makes me see playing chess as attracting players to a virtue I hadn't seen in chess, but that I sought in usenet news around y2k: the benefit of learning what neither knows beforehand by side effect of sharing a disciplined dispute with persistence. There's a bizarre coexistence/competition between the reward of winning a game and the reward to learn the lesson of an original game. What do chess players say to greet? Elo.

    Ravel's Bolero should have been playing. That was literally Chess porn.

    A person wishing to learn will enjoy a good loss

    Просто прозевала.

    I haven't watched too many of her games, but that's the first time I've seen her beaten, but I think its was close.

    Guy is a champ, however Anna challenged him enough to make him put on his concentration glasses.

    @ 7:43 Can someone explain to me why not playing knight to e7 instead of moving the king up to the pawns ?
    beginner level here, thx in advance

    A good male chess player will always beat a good woman chess player

    An undercover Master against an undercover model 🤔🧐

    Underrated video- staple of this channel is anna playing high-rated multi-lingual players, lets keep it going. (request: put the elo rating- ? is ok- when you have a h2h game vid). thx anna and mods

    Would Queen f6 instead of g3 have done anything?

    'I got lucky on this one' ….. such humility? I salute you Sir.

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