I Played An Undercover Chess Master…

This video was recorded last summer in Washington Square Park, NYC. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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%1$ Comments521

    I love chess but im a rusty amateur😅😅

    Are those plastic pieces on a marble board please and thank you

    I dont know he started really slow then he focus, and found best moves right in the end, when he understand he was losing he said im Just joking around, i think he probably do tournaments in his childhood and Just that, i think he is maybe around 1500 very fast player and Anna Blunder a checkmate, amazing game Anna.

    This dude knows your parents are the same age as him and still flirted with you that shit made me uncomfortable lowkey lol

    i would be a little bit too much distracted

    Hungarian opening ?? there is no such thing and never was.

    HOw do you open it? Go Kf7 and bring your rooks to the h file and he's dead

    Hungarian opening g4 line is very underrated in my opinion

    Anna was low on time, but I think she needed to find the move Qh6 when she blundered her knight and ultimately lost the game

    Rook takes knight on H3 would have been interesting as bishop was pinned (@6:33)

    Love this one. The trashtalk is so subtle but friendly 😉

    You are ideal Chess streamer,wholesome minus nonsense trash talked.👍👍👍👍

    "so much beautiful over here" points phone at her, 2 seconds later she leans back and adjusts her top… 1:20 mark

    He was playing with his cock more than his hands. Dont let a pretty girl deceive you

    arkadaşım adam türk’müş, yalnız kaldım burada. yok mu bizden kimse?

    Why would the only words you know in Spanish be "how old are you"? Seems like an odd statement to make.

    I don’t know shit about chess but u still went “Damnn”

    Thanks for your videos. Video not just leorn chess and leorn English speaking!!!!!

    If the guy starts with 1. f3, he's either 250 or 2500

    abimiz telefonla fotoğraf mı çekiyordu bilmem

    Bu Özden var ya 30 yılı geçti benim paketi hala getirmedi.

    türkün gucu ccc 1453 ccc as bayrakları

    My boy oz miss whooping up on u come back to Dallas

    His name is oz ozden from dallas….. We talk trash and used to play chess everyday. Always we played for money. His is about 2500 online blitz

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