I Played An Undercover Chess Master…

This video was recorded last summer in Washington Square Park, NYC. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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%1$ Comments521

    Missed free knight and attack on Queen. Anyone else see that ?

    Que pesado este tipo, insoportable, no para de hablar…

    that first move he played- either a noob or so strong he can get away with it.

    Wow! Hi Ozden Oz after all these years! We used to hang out at the Dallas Chess club decades ago!

    I know how to play draught but ain’t got a clue about chess✌️❤️

    wow blunder a ncie winning game- could have been a opponent against hikaru disrespect speedrun 😀 😀 😀

    Rxh3 was the winner against Rxg2 but well played!

    Awesome woman you are Anna Cramling. Hope you one day beat some champs in Copenhagen.

    Dayı bu çeneyle sağlam karı kaldırmıştır gençken

    izledim ve akabinde camları açıp plevne marşını hoparlörden verdim. londradan selamlar.

    He's using his f…king phone!
    What a loser!

    easy to spot which was the major mistake
    07:13 blundered badly: wrong move raising the top! opponent focused on game instantly

    I'm glad she didnt ask me how to make this position interesting😎

    It wasn't fair, his rating is at least 300 ELO above her. 😉

    We Hungarians have many things in common with the Turks – including chess, it seems.

    I’ll analyze this game, i couldnt understand how he won u:/

    she could have went Qh4 check on her second move and after pawn to G3 she goes Bg7 the if pawn takes queen Ba4 taking the pawn is checkmate!!

    Hery MaDeMa (majapahit-demak-mataram) says:

    I really like Anna's laugh…😍

    She had Gm on rook take king side with queen back up

    7:31 what would have been a better move for her?
    Queen h6? She would still defend her knight but now she also defends her rook. A follow up move could be rook f3 giving a discovered check and fork on rook and queen, but I am pretty sure he would see that.

    Александр Арсавченко says:


    You were very close to winning until making that one crucial mistake

    The guy was so playing the smarmy git lol – made a good video, thanks Anna.

    I miss living in a city where you can just go outside and run into some people playing chess.

    Why is she so fixated on ratings? She asks everyone before she plays.

    Best game. Thank you so much for great video

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