I Played Magnus Carlsen

I played against Magnus Carlsen (current world chess champion) at the Retiro Park in Madrid, Spain! This was the game, hope you enjoy 🙂

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0:00-0:21 Intro
0:21-6:34 Game against Magnus

#annacramling #chess #magnuscarlsen

%1$ Comments900

    Loved how you shot the *sshole and his crowd down, even though I don't play or understand chess lol

    at 4:26, couldn't you have played knight to E2. Checking his king and then taking his rook?

    Magnus said "oh boi this is not easy" while alredy haveing 50 moves in future

    What surprises me is how you immediately see that you are matt. For me, I need to watch the position for a long time.

    "dont be scard" says the wold chest champion

    Anna, after 3.25 in the Video, why didn't you play knight e2, rook e2, rook c1? Did I overlook sth?

    First game I want to play my idol Magnus carslen and to girl kd7 and check the king and attack the rook

    Can you play Wesley So next or HariKrishna?

    Bruh u dum u didn’t fork the rook and king

    :is this losing if I just go back?
    : You lost the moment you sat down😎

    His mood dramatically improved when he realized she can actually play.

    I always believed that having the the first move automatically gives you the advantage. I wonder if she would have had the first move if the results would have been different.

    good show enough
    good play show
    set up 叫 all original all answer guess 夾夾单單 all set c orrect al l ?

    A woman thinks she can beat the best man in the world… it is like a man thinking he can raise a baby better than the best mom in the world….

    during 4:25 she could have done horse to f2 and chck then kill the rook and if the bishop kills then kill it will your rook

    There's no upside for Magnus to this. If he wins, he beats a girl, and if he loses…he loses to a girl!

    3:53,КОНЬ Е 2-шах,тут есть 2 варианта,1-бить турой,2-уводить короля.В первом после туры Е-2 идёт союзнная тура С-1 шах(зависит от того куда сходят королём,но особо сути не меняет. Как считаете,хороших ход?

    Oh no he's getting better, learning everyones flaws.

    It would've been funny if they spoke Swedish/Norwegian to each other!

    I’m cringing so hard right now
    I don’t know what the numbers and letters are, but you should’ve placed your bishop above his queen and set up to take his ROOk WITH THE KNIGHT PROTECTING YOUR BISHOP FROM HIS QUEEN
    Then place the pawn that was above your rook 1 tile to pressure his queen 😢

    And you call yourself a gm 😂

    How does he NOT ask you out on a date??? Imagine the offspring! Hahaha

    Why do people always play fast? like there is no time to think with this System?

    Starting around the 3:02 mark, why did she not fork the king and rook with her knight? She could have had a piece advantage, unless there was probably something I wasn’t seeing? Lol

    @3:18 I was screaming Ne2+, but then I might be too dumb to realize. Can anyone tell me why Ne2+ was not played??????

    He could use one syllable to say no but not one to say hi instead lol

    damn imagine youre just playing chess at the park and magnus carlsen suddenly comes up wtf

    Cool with a girl that plays chess. Real girl power there

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