I Played Magnus Carlsen

I played against Magnus Carlsen (current world chess champion) at the Retiro Park in Madrid, Spain! This was the game, hope you enjoy 🙂

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0:00-0:21 Intro
0:21-6:34 Game against Magnus

#annacramling #chess #magnuscarlsen

%1$ Comments900

    I can just hear some Norwegians in the background

    You have good game,, but he is too strong😅😅

    These street chess players are getting better every day

    They’re both nervous. But for different reasons.

    You Do realize you only get views because you are showing flesh like a soft porn actress ! Right?…. Dress your self up and focus on CHESS not boobs! Show some morality! Have craft not boobs as a main theme! Never watching another video EVER from you!

    I just wish you wouldn't talk so much. it is so annoying when people talk so much during the game.

    "world champion" on the banner😂 like he needs a introduction and you don't.

    If she would play e2 she could take rook or I’m wrong?Why she didn’t saw that

    You made his day by how well you played and by your sweetness.. Great job, I was very impressed.

    SHE COULD HAVE GOT HIS QUEEN AT 2:44 IF SHE MOVED CASTLE TO A8!!! Surprised i saw that

    If you had split his king and rook w your knight on the second row, he would have had to move his king, allowing your rook to take his rook and put him in check

    How the hell can you play so fast? Ok, I'm not a good player but, God, I feel so stupid XD

    One question: why didn't Anna play knight to D2 to attack king and rook?

    She lost on purpose just so he would say hi to the chat

    Im happy u played with Carlsen. He sometimes play with kids in Norway to promote Chess. Even though he is best player in the world, he allways respect lower rated players that dont cheat.

    Wow. To play a match with the world's best. Wow.

    I would like to see them married❤

    as a 1200 rated player, finding 2 moves that she did kinda made me think I was magnus for a split second hahahah

    when he said tactics i wanted b7 to double the attack but what did Magnus say ?

    Look for tactics, I saw what you did their😮

    im not that good so why didnt she fork the king and rook ?

    Magnus is such an amazing guy. The humility to Anna Cramling and he is such a great entertainer . Anna is such great fun !

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